The ‘net’ and you
Though internet usage is 8.3 percent in Sri Lanka at present it will
increase soon due to more people becoming computer savvy, said founder
of 101010 Ramesh Srivats. He said that in the future, with people
becoming knowledgeable about the internet and its uses Sri Lanka can
leapfrog and make the maximum use of the net. Internet is not orderly
and hierarchical but it is random. The paradigm used by the internet is
mass media. On the net you can be yourself and can be funny, serious or
The company Blendtec which manufactures blenders uploaded a small
video on its uses and in one day it had 18 m hits which proves that
people like to know about the latest developments around the world.
Srivats said that people are polarized on the net and there are no
hidden agendas. There is much creativity and expertise.
Therefore exchange of information is possible and fast.
Earlier, brands talked and people listened but now they don’t listen
but want to see for themselves.
The internet has expanded its sources of information, has a variety
of opinions with no control, no mass media. People ignore, ridicule and
move on. Before a person buys a product unlike before they can get a
feel of what they are going to buy.
The brands too have matured and are rich and most importantly cannot
be controlled. People’s lives don’t revolve around brands anymore but
around people.