MTI Venture challenge three teams in finals
The MTI Venture Start-up Challenge brings together young
professionals and students to compete in an innovative business
competition centred on exploring emerging opportunities in Sri Lanka.
After the preliminaries the panel of judges announced the three teams
that will compete at the MTI Venture Start-Up Challenge to be held on
August the ceylon continental hotel from 5.30 - 9.30 pm
The teams vying for the honour of being MTI Venture Champions are -
John Keells Capital - Diagnostic Health Centres - Team Zion - Carbon
Credits - University of Kelaniya - KPO (Specialised).
MTI is an international strategic management consultancy with
operations in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Dubai, Pakistan, India,
Malaysia, UK, Mexico and Austria. Having provided solutions for over 300
projects in 33 countries across 4 continents, MTI Consulting’s Solutions
include Brand Management, Strategic Planning, Re-Structuring, Marketing,
Sales and Channel Management and Service Quality.