The NDDCB initiative:
A drug-free world for future generations
With the ending of the humanitarian operation and
establishment of territorial integrity following 30 years of
conflict, Sri Lanka was seen to be turning its focus on resolving
crimes and drug abuse, while extending attention towards economic,
social and cultural development with peace among all ethnic groups.
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The Rule of Law and global challenges
Having recently emerged from a world where might
prevailed and the weak suffered, let us not forget that
fundamentally, the rule of law serves as a critical bulwark for
mediating and facilitating between and among competing and often
divisive interests between the powerful and the weak and between the
rich and the poor, at the national and international levels.
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Sunday observer EXTRA
DRP goes hi-tech with electro NICs
One-day service for Rs. 500:
Ordinary service in two weeks:
Jayantha Peris, a resident of Kurunegala had
applied for a new National Identity Card (NIC) to the DRP through
the respective area divisional secretary last year. Although he had
attached all relevant documents including photographs and the
necessary stamps, he had to wait for nearly seven months.
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Assessing UN Secretary General’s Panel Report
I have now had an opportunity to read through
what is supposed to be the Report of the Panel appointed by the UN
Secretary General to advise him on what were termed accountability
issued. The report has been leaked by the indefatigable Sanjana
Hattotuwa, who does however note that he cannot confirm if this is
the actual text. He adds that the UN has regretted the leak.
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