On the trail of VICTORY
SUNDAY OBSERVER pays tribute to the Security Forces on Second

It has been two years since Sri Lanka eradicated terrorism under the
inspirational political leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and
strategic guidance of Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa. May 18 is a
red letter day in the annals of Sri Lanka’s history when the nation
celebrates the second anniversary of the eradication of terrorism. The
true freedom that we enjoy today was made possible due to the supreme
sacrifices made by the true sons of our soil, as the whole world was
spellbound by that magnificent victory on May 18, 2009.
The Security Forces not only destroyed the LTTE’s terrorist fire
power in the North and the East in less than three-and-a-half years, but
also put paid to the Tiger propaganda through their mercy missions in
the battlefront.
During that unprecedented human rescue mission in the world, the
Security Forces liberated over half a million people from the clutches
of LTTE terror. In the greatest humanitarian rescue operation in modern
history the Security Forces risked their lives to liberate hundreds of
thousands of Tamil civilians, held forcibly by the LTTE as a human
We should bear in mind that the battle against the LTTE was not a war
against the Tamils.
The heroic troops sacrificed their lives to save innocent Tamils from
the grip of LTTE terror. This is precisely why Sri Lanka’s victory in
defeating the LTTE becomes a victory for the entire nation, irrespective
of their ethnic backgrounds.
It is now the responsibility of the entire nation to add value to
that unique victory and make it more meaningful.
The Government has embarked on massive development projects in the
North during the past two years to assure a secure future for thousands
of Tamils who faced untold hardship due to the barbaric acts of the
LTTE. The time is now opportune to win the hearts of the Tamils, who are
an integral part of Sri Lanka’s community, in the reconciliation
Sri Lanka, which has been looked upon as a symbol of courage to the
world, is gradually rising from the ashes with a positive vision.
We must make a bold and determined effort to build the nation, in
keeping with the rich culture and heritage as the country is blessed
with an abundance of natural resources.
Let us remember all those brave sons of our soil who contributed
immensely to achieve that gigantic task with a deep sense of affection
and gratitude.
If not for their dedicated efforts and sacrifices, we would never
have enjoyed the freedom that we experience today.
The Sunday Observer salutes all those Security Forces personnel,
their Commanding Officers and others who had proved that miracles can
indeed become a reality.
The need of the hour is unity, reconciliation and development, to
take Sri Lanka to greater heights in all spheres of activity.
Let’s join hands to embark on that decisive journey and make Sri
Lanka the ‘Wonder of Asia’ sooner than later. |