Countering the Darusman Report :
A 'war' of a different kind

The Darusmman Panel conveniently ignored scenes of this type,
which were a commom occurence during the timee the LTTE were on
a killing spree
Nanthikadal - a scenic lagoon in one of
the remotest areas of northern Sri Lanka became known here and overseas
in a matter of seconds.
It was here that Prabhakaran was killed by Sri Lankan forces while
being, in full combat uniform and armed with a unique 99 mm pistol.
Sri Lankans could not suppress a sense of freedom and a feeling of
People in their thousands took to the streets. It was not politically
motivated or stage-managed. People rejoiced and celebrated the death of
one of the most fearsome and ruthless terrorists in the world just like
people in the US rejoiced at the hunting down of Osama bin Laden.
No one was spared by the LTTE's brutality. After over 30 years of
terror, everyone had a story of their own.
The LTTE did not cause collateral damage, the LTTE purposely targeted
innocent civilians.
It was their way of being heard. The entire world heard them alright.
It was 'loud and clear'.
Nevertheless the Tigers played low key when it came to the
international theatre, they were very shrewed.
They trained members of international terrorist outfits on suicide
missions after perfecting the suicide belt.
Although they were very much a threat to international peace, the
LTTE did not make the mistake of targeting world leaders or foreign
States, having learned their lesson after the assassination of former
Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 in Tamil Nadu.
So despite being a killing machine with thousands of innocent
civilian deaths to its account, the LTTE was not regarded by most of the
International community as a threat to world peace, despite the fact it
transformed their own blood into human bombs to target and blow off
women, children and elderly on their way to school, office or market.
Despite being listed as a terrorist organisation in over 30 countries
and by the UN after the 9/11, compelling member States to treat the LTTE
as a terror organisation, LTTE supporters continued to openly canvass
for the LTTE cause, hold rallies, raise funds and organise events,
sometimes with the patronage of senior State officials as well.
In this light the manoeuvring of the international community
especially during the final stages of the military operations was
crucial for the LTTE defeat.
Outsiders, even the Sri Lankan diaspora who speak for the LTTE and
shed crocadile tears for the North East Tamils, will never know the
feeling of being freed of a trauma that tormented you day and night.
'I may not come back home to see my children again' this crossed our
minds everytime we left home to the city.
It haunted you and many people who came to Colombo offices had even
made arrangements for their children in case they died in a bomb
explosion. Even the noise of a tire puncture made you jump and inquire
'bomb?' 'where?'
No one was convinced the LTTE could be defeated. The international
players and the NGO big heads preached to us in the ear on a daily basis
that the LTTE and its leaders home front were invincible.
It took days if not weeks for people to absorb the news. We in fact
asked ourselves, not just once, if this was all a dream. It was hard to
believe that the LTTE was really gone. It felt like a miracle.
It was the end of the LTTE. But we were soon to learn the end was
only within the borders of tiny Sri Lanka.
Once the conflict was over, observers commented that the LTTE rump
still continued in the international arena in a weaker form.
But signals from afar soon pointed out that this weaker form has
regenerated at a pace unimaginable.
Soon after the humanitarian operation many countries started to
shower the Government with praise for completing their mission with such
prowess. Defence establishments of foreign States one by one approached
their Sri Lankan counterparts to learn counter terrorism strategies
adopted, the strategies that ultimately help defeat one of the most
shrewed and ruthless terror organisations in the world.
This included India, Pakistan, US and many other countries. True that
it was clouded by pro-LTTE propaganda that never gave up its mission to
undermine Sri Lanka's victory and drag the country down with its
crumbling outfit.
But soon all the praise took a u-turn. A section of the International
community, especially countries like Britain, France and Germany where
LTTE diaspora's voice is very strong started demanding war crimes
On May 27, 2009 merely a week after the conclusion of military
operations, a special resolution was... scheduled by the so-called super
powers at the UN Human Rights Council . The objective was to punish Sri
The reason - defeating one of the top terror outfits in the world.
The irony was that the international 'war on terror' was in full swing
by then.
Sri Lanka defeated this resolution by an overwhelming majority with
29 votes in favour, 12 against and 6 abstentions.
Instead of the resolution moved by the Western block, the Sri Lankan
team headed by Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe managed to get a nod from
the UN HR Council for a resolution brought in by Sri Lanka supporting
its post conflict rebuilding efforts.
At the Human Rights Special Resolution Sri Lanka was strongly backed
by Middle East, Africa and Asian blocs including India, Pakistan,
Russia, China and Cuba.
This was the second diplomatic victory Sri Lanka bagged in its
historic fight against terrorism.
The decisive diplomatic war was won during the humanitarian
India, China and Russia stood as towers of strength during this phase
when the Westen block and the UN pressured by the LTTE puppets tried to
shove us off balance using international aid as a pressure leaver.
The Rajapaksa regime very skilfully built a friendship with both the
political leaders and influential bureaucrats in New Delhi who
discreetly supported Sri Lanka's final campaign to dismantle the LTTE,
International Terrorism Expert Prof. Rohan Gunaratna told the Sunday
Observer soon after the defeat of LTTE.
Pakistan a true friend of Sri Lanka as well as China and Ukraine kept
the depleting Forces' armouries re-filled so that the force of our
forward march was sustained in equal strength.
US, UK, Malaysia and Australia also played a pivotal role although
the US State Department from time to time gave thumbs down to the
success of the operations against the LTTE.
Although US has been seen as a damper the role played by the US law
enforcing authorities, the CIA and the FBI in dismantling the LTTE
terror network had been exceptional, the international terror experts
The arrests and prosecution of leading LTTE weapon procurers in the
US soil in 2006 paved the way to a string of arrests worldwide and
intercepting and destroying Tiger arms shipments and weakening them in
the battle front.
A total of six LTTE ships were said to have been destroyed with the
help of shared US-Sri Lanka intelligence.
Although defeated as a military outfit, the LTTE is overseas
infrastructure remains almost intact with assets such as a highly
sophisticated international communication network, working over time to
establish a transnational government of Tamil Eelam.
These LTTE fronts' latest ploy is to brand Sri Lanka as a 'war
criminal' and harness support from sympathetic groups and States to help
establish its dream homeland that could not be achieved through 30 years
of bloodshed.
The LTTE tentacles have grasped Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore,
Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, China and North Korea. Their
fund raising activities are in full bloom in the EU, Canada and the US.
It is interesting to note the following.
A former British foreign secretary while in office patronised a
meeting by the premier LTTE front, Global Tamil Forum (GTF), ignoring
strong protests by Sri Lanka, that their action will lend credibility to
a terror front.
David Milliband, Conservative Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague
and Liberal Democrats Shadow Foreign Secretary Ed Davey attended and
addressed the inaugural pro-LTTE meeting.
Milliband in his opening speech was quoted as saying that the
foundation of the Global Tamil Forum, the inauguration of its
international work, is an important moment for politics and above all
politics in Sri Lanka, because there is no substitute for political
voice in asserting political rights.
The LTTE lobby in the West had been so strong that Sri Lanka seems to
have a tougher battle to win against the terror outfit in the global
The above is evidence that it has been successful in lobbying
important and influential individuals of foreign States.
This voice finally gave birth to a UN 'Panel of Experts' and the
subsequest publication of a report charging Sri Lanka and its leaders of
war crimes allegations.
The suspicious way the panel was mooted, outside the mandate of the
Secretary General and giving inconsistent reasons from time to time to
justify its appointment, commencement of work, manner of conduct and
finally the publication of the report, had led Sri Lanka to doubt the
motives behind this move.
The 'Transnational Government' which is the global face of LTTE that
openly advocates separatism said in a press statement that it submitted
a detailed report outlining 'the Sri Lankan Government's mass killings
of Tamil civilians', during the Panel's collection of information.
It is open for debate as a how ethical it was for UN to entertain a
report of a terrorist front, against a sovereign member of the world
Sri Lanka has again turned to its international allies to defeat this
move obviously carried out under pressure from some super powers. The
report will not have any validity if it gets a thumbs down by the
Security Council.
Russia and China, the two veto wielding superpowers have already
denounced the report saying that this could not be regarded as a UN
panel. They have warned that Sri Lanka should be allowed to heal its own
wounds. A message echoed by the Non Aligned Movement soon after the news
of appointment of the panel came through. Sri Lanka has geared up its
diplomatic apparatus to counter the Darusman report.
This would be larger than the diplomatic effort during the final
phase of the operations and the UN Human Rights Council special session
on Sri Lanka in 2009. |