Star gazing, an
interesting hobby
I spend many hours watching the night sky. I enjoy watching the
twinkling stars. What delights me most is the movement of the stars. I
can even tell the time by the position of the stars. I watch the night
sky with the aid of a telescope and a guide book on stars.

I am very knowledgeable about space now. I not only read and research
about space but also about the numerouse scientists who have researched
about space and discovered many interesting things. I read many books
about stars, galaxies,planets and comets. I also collect magazine and
newspaper articles about space.
Have you watched the night sky? On a clear night we can see hundreds
of twinkling stars in the sky. These stars we see are actually huge,
glowing balls of gas like the Sun, but their light is much fainter
because they are many light years away from the Earth.
I am very interested in learning about the numerous constellations
such as Orion, Canis Major,Taurus, and the Southern Cross. There are
many galaxies in the sky such as the Andromeda galaxy and Large
Magellanic Cloud.Thousands of stars, planets and comets in a galaxy. Our
galaxy is known as the Milky Way.
A star's life cycle is somewhat similar to that of humans. A star
also has stages in life as we do, as infants, teenagers and adults.
However, stars live longer than we do.They exist for millions of years.
Our galaxy and other galaxies have many large clouds of gas and dust,
mostly made up of hydrogen which are called "nebulae.’And, stars are
born in such places.The Orion constellation too has a huge nebula.
Watching the night sky is very interesting as you can learn a lot
about the objects in space. Star gazing is a popular hobby around the
world. If you start observing the sky at night you will know just how
much fun it could turn out to be. You will get more and more interested
in astronomy if you do so.
Bambarawan Liyanage
Sumudu Lakmal,
Grade 9-B,
MR/Thelijjawila Central College.
beautify marine sanctuaries
Sri Lanka has been traditionally blessed with picturesque coral
reefs. A coral reef comprises an assemblage of plants and animals of
which the coral forms a dominant part.

A multitude of organisms is found in the coral framework. Fish and
other vertibrates hide inside every nook and cranny. Others attach
themselves to all the available space on the underside of plants and the
dead coral.
The variety and complexity of the various shaped organisms of
different hues add to their beauty and fascination.
Coral reefs are regarded as the breeding ground of many marine
organisms,including fish and lobsters. Sri Lanka's coral reefs enhance
the beauty of the country's ecological assets. Corals which add colour
to its aquatic environs also have many scientific uses. However, due to
a multitude of development activities these coral reefs have been found
to be in a state of degradation. In order to prevent further damage to
these corals, two of Sri Lanka's foremost coral reefs, Hikkaduwa and the
Barrier reef north of Kalpitiya have been declared as marine
The Hikkaduwa coral gardenwhich was in pristine glory around two
years ago has now degenerated due to the rapid development of tourism in
the area. Destructive fishing methods and the recent expansion of the
ornamental marine fish industry have also contributed to the ecological
imbalance in coral reefs.
We should not destroy these valuable coral reefs in the country as
they not only add beauty to the marine sanctuaries but also protect the
Praveenya de Silva, Grade 10,
Good Shepherd Convent,
My hobby
My hobby is reading books. I started reading books when I was very
young. At first my parents related the stories in the books. Later, I
wanted to know the stories in the books.
So, I tried to read them by myself. This is how I developed the good
habit of reading.
Reading books helps us to know about the world. It helps me to
improve my knowledge of subjects I study at school too. It also gives me
a lot of pleasure.
I like my hobby very much because it is very useful for my life.
Raveen Yohan,
Grade 5S,
St. Joseph’s College,
Enderamulla branch,
museums Down South
My family and I went on a trip to Galle during my school holidays and
the first place we visited was the Martin Wickramasinghe Museum at
Koggala. We had to buy tickets to enter the museum.It was a beautiful
place to see.
We saw the many ancient items that the great writer had collected
like the metal and oil lamps and brass ware. There were many sections in
the museum and one section was full of puppets and ancient Sri Lankan
hand looms and clothes.
were ancient jewellery and clothes used by the women too. Then we saw
some of the material used in the agriculture sector such as
mammoties,ploughs and axes.
After viewing the ancient objects and clothes, we went to see the
section where ancient modes of transport were displayed. There were
carts drawn by horses, bulls and elephants too.
There were also some ancient boats. Thereafter, we visited a very
special place, the house where the great writer was born. We had to walk
barefoot as the ancient floor tiles were very fragile and needed to be
Some of the items like the writing table used by him, the pair of
spectacles he wore, his wristwatch,the pens and bottles of ink he used.
We saw the dining room, the room he was born in and his bedroom.
We also saw the collection of books he had written. After viewing
everything in the house we visited the graveyard and saw the place the
great writer and his wife were buried.
On the following day we visited the marine museum at the Galle Fort.
Here too we had to buy tickets to enter.
The museum building was constructed by the Dutch.At this museum we
saw many ancient pots, bottles, plates and many other items used by the
sailors when going on voyages during that period .
We also saw the remains of a shipwreck.There were many old coins too
found from ships that had sunk in the past.
We watched a cassette which provided information about the Dutch Fort
and the various building constructed by them.
There were many statues of the Buddha which belonged to different
eras in the museum.There was a wooden Buddha statue considered to be
special because it had been found floating in Trincomalee after the
All these are great historical finds that need to be protected for
future generations.
Uvini Utthama Edirisinghe,
Grade 9-C, Devi Balika Vidyalaya,
Colombo 8.
Nature must be
Nature has been destroyed and drastically change due to the rapid
development of the world. The destructive activities carried out by man
has had an adverse impact on nature.

Most people seem to be unaware of the important role nature plays in
our lives so they destroy nature mostly for monetary gains. Some of the
human activities that have an adverse effect on nature are cutting down
trees, emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere,clearing of land for
construction and discharging harmful chemical substances into water
resources.When we destroy nature we have to face many hazards from
nature too.Landslides,earthquakes, floods,droughts,storms and global
warming are some of them.
However, most people,especially those who have not faced any of these
hazards continue to destroy nature.
We should take steps to teach about the importance of protecting
nature to those who are not aware of the valuable role it plays. As
children we can do many things to create an awareness among the people
to protect nature for the future generations by organising poster and
drawing competions, organising street dramas and forming nature clubs at
school and in the neighbourhoods.
The government must impose strict laws to punish those who destroy
nature and fine them . Let's strive not to destroy nature when we try to
make our lives better using the many resources nature has to offer us.
A.P.Umanda Hansamali,
Grade 9E, K/Pushpadana Girls' College,
Keep the water
sources clean
Water is very important for all human beings animals, and plants.
Chemicals and other harmful substances pollute water. This would result
in the pollution of streams, lakes, rivers and seas. Severe water
pollution can kill a large number of fish and other animals. People who
use this polluted water can fall ill.
Humans pollute water in many ways. Insecticides, weedicides and
fertilisers used in large quantities in farming are one of the ways of
polluting water.
When it rains these chemicals flow into streams, lakes and rivers and
poison the water. Harmful chemicals, gases and waste materials are also
sometimes released from industrial factories into waterways.
We should control ways of water pollution. We as children should help
to keep our sources of water clean. We should not overuse chemicals in
Another way of preventing water pollution is to build treatment
plants in factories.
We should also introduce waste management systems. If we stop
throwing waste all over the place, especially into lakes, rivers and the
sea, the environment and all waterways will be clean and beautiful
Sanju Nilukshan,
Grade 8L, H/Rajapaksa Central, College,