Climate change issues discussed on a boat
A group of young volunteers, to combat climate change at grass roots
level plan a journey along the Kelani River educating the communities of
adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Prof. David de Krester, founding member and former Governor of
Victoria, Australia presents the project material to Kanchana
Weerakoon, Director, ECO-V |
The journey organised by the Eco Friendly Volunteers (ECO-V) will
take place from August 15 to September 1 starting from Sri Pada mountain
and ending at Wattala where the Kelani River meets the sea.
The ECO V will be selecting a group of 20 youth from all nine
provinces of the country and invites young environment enthusiasts to
forward their applications to join the journey. "Thus the Project is
supported by the Journeys for Climate Justice, a Melbourne-based
environment organisation and we expect to select youth of all
communities and social levels," said Kanchana Weerakoon Director of the
The objective of the project would be to protect the biodiversity of
one of Sri Lanka's longest rivers by enhancing awareness among the
communities who are exploiting it for their livelihoods. The ECO V plans
to use this opportunity as an advocacy campaign to present the evidence
to policymakers in order to make the decisions on environmental
conservation and climate change adoption.
The ECO V targets communities live along Kelani River, people in Sri
Lanka and later the Asia_Pacific region as a post-project activity. The
whole travel will be done as segments with stop-overs by bus, push
bicycles and by foot at pre determined places. Once the journey starts
several awareness workshops for the respective communities with
presentations, film shows and discussions will be organised at seven
different stations where the trekkers will be camping overnight.
The tree planting campaigns at which 100 trees will be planted at
each stop will be organised at those stations with the support of local
governmental agencies. Energy saving bulbs and water saving tips will be
introduced at the same stations where local environmental groups can
continue promoting them even after.
Final day gathering will be held at Kelaniya Temple where the
experienced will be sharing with the government officers, and various
All the participants and organisers will maintain an environmental
friendly lifestyle during the river campaign and the carbon footprint
will be minimized. Local environmental groups will be empowered by
sharing information.
A community action plan and a final report of the outputs will be
prepared by the youth group with the support of ECO-V and will be
presented to the higher government authorities. Each youth traveller
should initiate a project related to climate change issues at local
level and the best project will be selected and rewarded. According to
Kanchana Weerakoon necessary guidance and support will be given by ECO-V
to the travellers.