Reading, a great habit to cultivate
Literary Month is drawing to a close but the interest in books will be
kept alive even in the coming month as October is designated as the
Reading Month.
How many of you were enticed to read at least one book featured in
this section in the last two weeks? Of course those of you who are
already in the habit of reading need no motivation to read any of the
fascinating books that are available today, but others who hardly read
would certainly need to be enticed to do so. We hope we kindled an
interest in at least some of you to start reading ...
Reading is a good habit that children must cultivate because it opens
the door to a treasure trove of knowledge and a world full of
magic,fantasy and entertainment.
is the platform on which your imagination can take wings to unimaginable
heights. You can simply get lost in your own fantasy world as you leaf
through each page and see the characters virtually dance before your
eyes... Who can really afford to miss out on such an exilarating
So, if you have not been interested in reading a book, think again
and start reading today. Ask some book lovers about the wonderful
experiences they have had because of their habit of reading.However,you
must take care to select books that are suitable for children.
And also remember, even though it is important to cultivate the habit
of reading at a tender age do not turn into a bookworm who neglects
everything else when it comes to reading .There are many who have a
voracious appetite for reading yet find time to engage in numerous other
activities that are of benefit to them. Stop being glued to your
television or computer and start reading now.Do not miss out on the
wonder world of books...
Some of our readers share there views on reading with you today...
My favourite book

My favourite book is Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling, one of the
most famous as well as best-selling authors ever.
It is a series of seven books. Harry Potter and the Philosophers
Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azhabana, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter
and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince and
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.This story is centered around a
young boy named Harry who is left an orphan after Lord Voldemort- a very
powerful wizard kills his parents Lily and James Potter.
It is a very spellbinding book which attracts children as well as
adults. Each book tells us about the experiences Harry had each year at
Hogwarts or elsewhere. Harry along with his friends Ron and Hermoine
fight against Lord Voldemort. During this struggle Harry loses one of
his most trusted people Professe Dumbledore. In this book my favourite
Character is Hermoine Granger and the character whom I hate most is Lord
Though Draco Malfoy is very rude I feel very sorry for him because he
is threatened by Lord Voldemort that if he doesn’t kill Professer
Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort would kill him and his family.I think that
this book should be read by all.
Not only now, but forever, Harry Potter will always be my favourite
Hashika Sivapalan,
Grade 7A, Belvoir College International,Girls’ Section.
I love to read
you heard the great saying “Reading maketh a full man” by Sir Francis
Bacon? Well, my favourite hobby is reading. I read all kinds of books
such as story books, novels, ghost stories and comics. I read newspapers
and magazines too.
My favourite books are ghost stories such as Goosebumps and my
favourite newspaper is the Junior Observer which is issued free with the
Sunday Observer. I gather new words and improve my vocabulary through
reading. I also get knowledge of our past and what is happening in the
world today through reading books and newspapers.
Listening well to lessons at school isn’t enough. We should read too.
Books and newspapers give us knowledge. I read all the books that I can
lay my hands on. I’ve been reading books from a very early age. I buy
books or borrow from the school and public library and also from my
friends. When buying books my parents too help me in selecting them.
I have a vast collection of books and newspapers at home. I have a
special place for my books and newspapers. I love reading. I always read
books during leisure. It is a very interesting hobby and I hope that
reading would help me become a better person in the future.
Iman Aroshana Perera,
Grade 5 “A” ,Lyceum International School, Panadura.
Reading as a hobby
my leisure I mostly read. I prefer reading fairy tales, animal stories
and novels. It is my hobby. My parents have bought many interesting
Cinderella is a very fascinating fairy tale I love to read again and
again. The Sleeping Beauty is another beautiful fairy tale. It tell us
about a young beautiful princess. Fables tell us “funny stories” and
teach us good lessons. The foolish tortoise, The mouse and the lion, The
tortoise and the hare, The hungry fox and the bunch of grapes are some
fables. Some stories are true stories. ‘The Nightingale and the Hawk’
highlights real life. I feel sad about the beautiful bird which was
caught by the hawk. Fairy fales are unreal and contain stories about the
magical powers of imaginary creatures called fairies. They are good for
children. Animal stories tell us interesting facts about animals and
their lifestyles.
I don’t like detective stories because they are about crime. I also
dislike stories that have a tragic ending. Out of all the books I’ve
read, one memorable book is ‘Bihisunu vana Adaviya.’ It’s a very
interesting book.
Reading helps me to gain a lot of knowledge and spend my time,
profitably. So, I will continue to read. It is indeed a great hobby.
Books help us to learn. “It gives me a lot of pleasure and inspiration
Thimna Tharushi Sandamini,
Grade 8-D,
Christ King College, Weliweriya.
Select good books to read
Reading gives us great pleasure which can differ from reader to
reader. To an emotional reader, books of drama, poetry, travel, fiction
and essays will bring great delight. Many others will derive great
pleasure reading stories, jokes, comics, detective material and science
fiction books.
can spend ones leisure in various other activities but reading has no
Reading has so many additional advantages which no other hobby or
leisure time pursuit can give. The ability to read and relish books is
really a boon. Reading provides delight, experience, entertainment and
skills in various fields of life.
To get pleasure out of reading, one has to cultivate the habit of
reading; that requires intelligence, quick comprehension, patience, love
of solitude and certain language skills.
Unfortunately most students read only to gather information needed to
get through the examinations. They read neither for pleasure nor for
culture and knowledge.
It is really pity that most of people of modern society waste their
valuable time playing cards, computer games, viewing films and
television programmes, or gossiping as a mode of relaxation and
Books are really a treasure trove of pleasure, knowledge, experience,
intellectual food and refreshment. They are the best friends that would
never leave you in the lurch.
The experience gained through reading ever stands in good stead with
the reader.
To a cultivated and educated person, books provide the finest of
pleasures. But we must choose our reading material with care and
caution. There are many cheap and substandard books which can poison
young minds and mislead them on paths undesirable.
In the selection of books you can consult your teachers, elders and
librarians. Then there are book-reviews to guide you to better reading
material. We should gradually make our own small library of choicest
books, which can encourage, inspire, guide and entertain us. These books
should be treasured.
W. Taniya Gimhani Fernando,
Grade 9-D E.M.,
NW/CH/WEN/Dankotuwa Girls’ College.
My book on German

My favourite book is ‘German Sheperd dog’. It is a very interesting
book. The author of this book is Susan Samms. The book cover is by David
Dalton. The book is about German sheperds. This book was printed in
England and it has 157 pages.
One day I went to the BMICH for a book exhibition. When I was
searching for a book about cars, I saw this book and I told my father
that I would like to purchase that book. He bought it for me. It cost Rs.
1000.There are 8 chapters in this book.
I can learn many things about German Sheperds like what they eat, how
they behave, what they can do, what makes them angry, what is good and
bad for them and how they must be bathed and cleaned.
The pictures of dogs are very beautiful. I love this book.
Dillon Lahiru Kaluarachchi,
Grade 3B,
Willesden College International.
Become book lovers!
Books are useful to all, whether you are a child, a grown-up or an
old person. Books provide us with knowledge and therefore educate us to
face various situations when they are presented to us in its various

Books can also change our moods. For example, when you feel sad and
despondent, a book can always cheer you up.
Like the selection of friends, a good amount of care must be taken
when selecting a book. A good book can sharpen our intelligence and
broaden our minds. Such books can create good morals and not only help
us become good citizens, but also help us lead happier and nobler lives.
There are many great books written by great people which introduce us
to science and technology, the arts and theatre, to mention a few. Great
religious books such as the Dhammapada, Bible, Quran and the Bagawath
Gita were written centuries ago to express noble thoughts and are a
treasure house of knowledge.
It is a must that everyone, young or old, become book lovers and
develop a voracious appetite for reading. Those who do not read often
become ignorant and are generally suspicious of their environment. Some
become superstitious and begin to entertain baseless fears.
The importance of reading books is obvious today. Books can never go
waste. It is true that books ‘maketh a complete man’.
Kaushalie Dharmarathne,
Grade 7-E,
St. Anthony’s Girls’ College, Kandy.
Value of reading
Reading is a very useful hobby. We can widen our knowledge by reading
as Sir Francis Bacon says.

There are many types of reading sources, such as magazines, novels,
newspapers and short stories.
By reading we can learn about the day-to-day happenings, society and
also about famous people, great leaders, history, various events,
science and technology and nature. We can improve our knowledge about
other countries and also religious or famous places around the world.
We can borrow books from public libraries, school libraries and
friends or purchase them from book shops.
We can read books in our leisure to spend it in a useful way instead
of playing computer games or wasting our valuable time.
We should read more and more to enhance our knowledge.
Lakshan H. Weerakkody
Grade 8E,
Royal International School,