The novel as a cultural text
Reviewed by Prof. Wimal Dissanayake
Kathleen Jayawardene’s Circles of Fire (Agni Chakra) has accomplished
the rare feat of gaining immense popularity among readers while
garnering accolades from discerning critics. The author has a remarkable
ability to reconfigure emotionally charged situations and deep and
troubling human crises in memorable language. As many literary critics
have accurately pointed out Kathleen Jayawardene possesses a gift for
narrative and controlled use of language that contains both emotional
power and gravitas. At a time when many Sinhala writers find it a
challenging task (grammatically speaking) to get the subject to agree
with the predicate, she is able to write fluently and with
self-assurance; she is clearly sensitive to the music of language. Her
vigorous and elegant prose carries us towards a dense texture of people
and place.
Translator: Ranga
Publisher: Samaranayake Publishers |
The fourth edition of this novel was published recently, and now it
has been rendered into English under the title Circles of Fire. Ranga
Chandrarathne has translated this novel into English, and I would like
to state at the outset that he has done a very good job as a critical
translator who has successfully navigated between the competing demands
of two languages. His translation belongs to what I term critical
translation; I shall explain the importance of this concept a little
Circles of Fire centers round the character of Saddhamangala
Siriniwasa who happens to be a university professor who is held in high
esteem. His life, his emotions, his limitations, his psychological
complexities and their dark underside constitute the emotional center of
gravity of the novel.
The way he has surrendered himself to the pleasures of the present
draws a sympathetic response from the novelist. The author has presented
a psychologically troubled character whose predicament has to be
understood in relation to a plurality of variables beginning with his
childhood experiences. Although this work of fiction is generally
characterized as a psychological novel, it is important to bear in bind
that this psychological complexity operates within a specific cultural
discourse; hence a cultural-psychological approach to the understanding
of Prof. Siriniwasa’s life would be more appropriate and productive. It
is a fact, seldom denied even by the most ardent psychological critics,
that a psychologically-oriented novel can and does have serious cultural
The narrative discourse of Circles of Fire, as indeed in some of her
other novels, is driven by the concept of desire. The unfolding events
of the novel draw attention to the complex facets that go to form human
desire, and how that formation of desire can very often elude our
conceptual grasp.
Kathleen Jayawaerdene is familiar with modern theorists who have
written illuminatingly on desire such as Lacan, Foucault and Barthes;
however her locutions and tropes signal that her understanding of desire
has deep roots in Buddhist metaphysics. It is indeed her ambition to
extend the horizons of our understanding of human desire. What is
interesting about her attempt is that it is culturally-inflected.
In discussing her novel in particular, and the Sinhala novel in
general, I wish to invoke the concept of the novel as a cultural text.
Whether we view the novel from the vantage point f the writer or the
text or the reader or the context, the cultural discourse emerges as a
powerful force. One thing that strikes many commentators on Sinhala
literature is that readers are good at reading the lines, but not so
adept in reading between the lines.
Indeed, the true meaning and the power of a work of literature reside
in the interstitial space between the lines. And to figure out the true
meaning of what is taking place in between the lines one has to bring
into play a strong cultural imagination. This is an argument tat
Kathleen Jayawardene implicitly makes through her narrative.
The life of Prof. Siriniwasa can be understood in its true complexity
only if we are able to locate his imaginings and activities within the
discourse of culture. Then the indubitable psychological complexities
begin to gain in greater depth and clarity. It is generally believed
that emotions – love, anger, jealousy, sadness, remorse etc. – are
This is indeed true so far as it goes. However, we need to bear in
mind the fact that emotions do not fall from the sky; they are grounded
in culture and are culturally constructed. Furthermore, the expression
of emotions is influenced and facilitated by culture. Perceptive
novelists such as Martin Wickremasinghe and Gunadasa Amarasekera are
fully aware of this fact. The author of Circles of Fire recognizes the
importance of the determinative influence of culture.
Throughout the novel, there are passages such as the following which
underline the formative influence of culture.
‘I often thought of leisurely discussing with her the culture and
convention which led to thoughts that brought about this unfortunate
situation. Unfortunately, these thoughts arose in me either in transit
or at the university. At last I thought of explaining everything in a
letter to her. But it tuned out to be disjointed thoughts. When I read
it for the second time, I felt it was a diatribe commenced in the middle
and ended halfway through.’
‘Yes, Prof. Siriniwasa, as an academic and acclaimed writer, I would
like to know how far this perception shame is associated with our
Sanskruthiya is culture in English. I relaxed on the chair.
Culture is one of the more complex words in the English language, a
western philosopher had stressed it,’ After that I paused a little to
recall the name of that philosopher but I could not access the pages of
my memory on the spot and in such haste!’ The thinker who is being
referred to here, I believe, is my former teacher Raymond Williams. He
once famously said that the word culture is among the two or three most
complicated words in the English language.
He has in his theoretical writings as well as historical studies
opened up interesting avenues of inquiry that we could follow
productively. The kind of cultural-materialist critique that he
underlined not only displays the importance of understanding novels as
cultural texts but also points the way towards invigorating modes of
fictional analysis.
In order to fathom the deeper structures of Circles of Fire, we need
to pay closer attention to the nexus between the fictional text and the
culture that it grows out of. There is a widespread notion, not totally
unreasonable I might add, that maintains that important novelists
inhabiting a specific culture and working in and through it seek to
highlight the pivotal concerns and centers of interest of that culture.
However, the situation is more complexly ambiguous and therefore invites
more focused analysis.
As the eminent social thinker Herbert Marcuse observed, ‘there is no
work of art which does not break the affirmative stance by the power of
the negative, which does not, in its very structure, evoke words, the
images, the music of another reality, or another order repelled by the
existing one and yet alive in memory and anticipation, and alive in what
happens to men and women, and their rebellion against it. When this
tension between affirmation and negation, between pleasure and sorrow,
higher and material culture no longer prevails, where the work no longer
sustains the dialectical unity of what is and what can (and ought to
be), art has lost the truth, has lost itself.’ Kathleen Jayawardene
recognizes the importance of this line of thinking. She seems to be
searching in her fiction for cultural truths that are complex and
What she has aimed to do in her novel is to focus on the interplay
between the good and bad, positive and negative, in culture, and the
human crisis that is at the heart of her novel; it gains in depth when
seeing in this light. In other words, what she is challenging us, as
readers, to do is to read against the grain. This is indeed what
contemporary literary theorists refer to as symptomatic reading.
A symptomatic reading entails the uncovering of hidden narratives
within the dominant one, and focus on the effective role of ideology in
the conduct of characters. Earlier on I stressed the importance of
reading between the lines; this is where we end up when we opt to do so.
While the intersections of fiction and culture are indeed
significant, we should not ignore the fact that the novelist rises or
falls through his or her ability to fashion a craft, an artistic style
that is adequate to the experience envisaged. Kathleen Jayawardene is a
novelist who values the importance and possibilities of craft. Let us
consider the opening passages of the novel.
Whenever I thought of getting married, I experienced a mild anxiety.
I did not doubt much that marriage should be the fruit of love or should
be a sacred institution. I have neither knowledge nor feeling about it.
If I say it in unambiguous terms, marriage for me is mere contract in
When I think of women, what comes to mind often is the proverb, stone
and flowers.
Bed of roses
The stones around the bed of roses in a courtyard can be seen in the
evening similar to the way they were in the morning. Even tomorrow, it
would remain at the same place. However, the rose blossomed in the
branches spreading against the cluster of stones, could radiantly
sparkle only in the morning. By evening, the petals would fade and fold.
Stone is permanent; rose is ephemeral. Wouldn’t we love the changing
nature of the rose more than the permanent nature of the stone.’
The symbolism summoned by these paragraphs is significant in view of
the fact that it informs the entire narrative discourse of the novel and
shapes our responses to it.
The flow f the narrative is contained within the two poles of the
flower and stone. Hence, it can be said that what we find in this novel
is not a mimetic transcript of culture but an active reconfiguration of
it making use of all the resources and representational strategies that
the novelist has at her disposal. When we say that a novel is a cultural
text, we do not imply that it precluded artistry and creativity. In fact
it is precisely in the way that these two are combined – the imperatives
of a cultural text and the imperatives of fictional art – that a novel
comes to life.
The way the idea of the novel as a cultural text and the way the
necessary imperatives of fictional art interact deserve careful study. A
cultural text normally focuses on behavior while a literary text focuses
on experience.
How an experience has been encoded in cultural terms testifies to a
novelist’s talents. In this regard the distinction between behavior and
experience highlighted by the anthropologist Edward M. Bruner is
important. He says that, ‘behavior ‘implies an outside observer
describing someone else’s actions, as if one were an audience to an
event; it also implies a standardized routine that one simply goes
An experience is more personal, as it refers to an active self, to a
human being who not only engages in but shapes an action.’ It is the
vivid recreation of experience that Kathleen Jayawardene is after.
In pursuit of this goal she has fashioned a lucid and rapid prose
that activates the flow of narrative. This is evidenced in passages such
as the following.’ I was gazing at the meadow, sipping a glass of wine
and enjoying the breeze across the Atlantic Ocean. A bird similar to an
eagle was hovering in the distant sky. The breeze sweeping through the
pine plantation murmured a sweet melody. The soothing climate began to
heal my mind and body. Though the passing season was summer, Devendra
said that the winter here is not so harsh….’
In conclusion, I wish to make a comment on Ranga Chandrarathne’s able
and imaginative translation. One can say that there are two broad
approaches to literary translation.
On the one hand, the translator can try to remain as close as
possible to the original text without taking too many liberties to sound
more natural in the host language. On the other hand, the translator can
chose to make his or her rendering freer and in the process sound more
natural in the host language. Translations are tradeoffs and hard
choices have to be made. It seems to me that Chandrarathne has succeeded
in avoiding both extremes; moreover, he has labored to achieve something
unreservedly laudable – to practice an art of critical translation.
What do I mean by the term critical translation? The translator, as
he or she renders the original into the host language, also attempts to
pass critical judgments on the original text implicitly through the very
choices made.
This is certainly not easy; it requires distinct linguistic
capabilities as well sharp critical perceptions. An illustrative
analogue would be the way that a Brechtian actor plays his or her role;
as he or she plays the role, he or she also aims to make critical
judgments on the character he or she is impersonating. Brecht, of course
did no always succeed in achieving the goals he set for himself as
adumbrated in his famed epic theatre.
On the basis of the promise held out by Circles of Fire, one can
predict a good future for Kathleen Jayawardene as a novelist. However,
at this point, my advice to her would be don’t rush to produce works of
fiction too hastily ( a common enough temptation among many Sinhala
novelists) and allow your chosen experiences gestate, and enable the
full gravitas of the experience to emerge gradually through repeated
reflection. This will also permit the novelist to discern the deeper
patterns mutely forming beneath the flow of life. In addition, working
and re-working over the manuscript will enable a novelist to avoid
unnecessary blemishes.
After all, Leo Tolstoy re-wrote his epic novel War and Peace seven