Tea industry:
Offering a superior product, can catch the market
The tea industry must use the current global and local economic
upheaval to shape in a new industry model based on a niche strategy for
the country and correct the current anomalies even if it is painful,
said Chairman of the Tea Cluster Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Rohantha Athukorala .He was addressing the 75th Diamond Jubilee
celebrations of the Ceylon Planters Society.

He said that even though this design is coming into form is by
default, than by design, lets accept it as long as we can make Ceylon
Tea competitive again.
The tea industry in the recent past has been under severe pressure
from a demand perspective due to the political uprising in the Middle
East and the lower demand pull in the Russian market being some of the
reasons for declining auction prices.
"From a commanding Rs. 400 per kilogram of tea in the early part of
2011, prices have reached an average of around Rs. 350 which has taken
the industry to the wire on sustainability.
The global economic embargo on Iran further catapulted the situation
by putting pressure from a cash flow end," Athukorala said.
From a Supply chain perspective, the recent wage rate hike has made
the average cost of production range from Rs. 375-450 according to the
latest research studies done by the Tea Research Institute which clearly
illustrates a financial trap that the industry has got into which needs
immediate attention as at the end of the day, the tea industry is a
mainstay crop and is globally recognised.
Athukorala said given the fallout in the Eurozone and the declining
purchasing power in the key tea consuming countries, one can forecast
that the trading situation can only become tougher in the short-term,
Athukorala said.
Hence, rather than getting into an analysis mode from a negative
perspective, a better option would be to re-look at the industry.
A probable shape of the tea industry can be to ruthlessly focus on
increasing the quality of the tea, even if you have to take a hit on
production volumes.
Maybe focusing on two leaves and a bud ethos can be considered by the
industry so that a superior product can be offered globally, Athukorala
said. But, he accepted that this can increase the cost of production in
the short term but commanding a higher price in the medium to long-term
if supported with a strong marketing campaign.
Athukorala said an aggressive marketing campaign on the theme of
'Ceylon Tea' must be activated immediately so that the proposition of
the high quality Ceylon Tea can be registered globally which will be
part of the new tea industry model.
The good news is that this is already at the stage of implementation
and the industry must be commended, he said. It's a best practice that
other industries can learn from Athukorala who is a member of the Tea
Board Marketing and promotional committee, said.
"I guess on a 3.9 billion metric ton global production annually, when
a country is producing a mere 0.3 bn metric tonnes niche marketing is
the only way out," he said.
But for such move to really work, the current anomaly on wages must
be corrected with policy support. If not, the private sector cannot come
in with stringent business strategies on the quality model." |