International quality confab to be held in Colombo
The 18th conference of the Asia Pacific Quality Organisation (APQO)
will be hosted by the Sri Lanka Association for Quality (SLAQ) in
October 2012 at the Bandaranaike International Conference Hall (BMICH).

This conference will coincide with International Standards Day and
National Quality Week in Sri Lanka.
The event is expected to reactivate the quality movement in Sri Lanka
after 30 years.
The theme of the convention will be "Sustainable economic development
through quality, environment and safety".
With many international initiatives made in these areas, this
conference is expected to stimulate organisations to focus on
sustainable development using international standards on quality,
environment and safety. Availability of natural resources becoming
increasingly scarce and costly, focus is now made on energy usage as a
key factor in economic progress.
Emphasis on workplace safety will be given recognition during the
During the opening ceremony, many APQO awards will be given.
These include the Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA) which
was earlier termed International Quality Award and the National Quality
Award (NQA) Winners in the region are eligible to participate.
Many Sri Lankan organisations have won this award and three Sri
Lankan companies are expected to receive this award at the 17th
conference, which is to be held in Singapore.
SLAQ is planning to encourage many organisations to participate, so
that they will receive awards in Sri Lanka in 2012. |