Ritzbury to spearhead an awareness campaign on 'Wetlands'

(On left)Susantha Gunawardena, MD, CBL Foods International
(Pvt) Ltd, handing over the sponsorship cheque to Charith
Herath, Chairman, Central Environment Authority.
(Pictures 1, 2 and 3) Susantha Gunawardena, Charith Herath &
Nadeeja Karunathilake, Assistant General Manager, Marketing
CBL Foods International (Pvt) Ltd, addressing the media. |
CBL-Ritzbury, is partnering with the Central Environment Authority to
spearhead an awareness campaign on the importance of conserving
'Wetlands' in Sri Lanka.
This is the first time a Sri Lankan company has extended its
Corporate Social Responsibility assistance towards this cause.
Ritzbury has extended a Rs. 2 m sponsorship to conduct an all-island
inter-school quiz competition with the objective of creating awareness
on the importance of protecting 'Wetlands' which are considered as very
rare, yet very important and sensitive eco systems in the world.
The Central Environment Authority and the Department of Wildlife
Conservation are planning to celebrate World Wetlands Day on February 2,
on a grand scale next year and the school quiz competition is a part of
this program. |