SLIM Brand Excellence 2011 attracts record entries
A record 125 entries from companies and brands, were received for
this year's SLIM Awards, which is an unprecedented 40 per cent increase
compared to the 75 entries received last year. Project Chairman of SLIM
BE 2011 E. Karthik, AGM Marketing, CDB, said.

This confirms that not the marketing fraternity but also the entire
senior corporate management are aware of the effectiveness of the
awards, and its pivotal role in promoting professionalism in the
This is another step of getting Brand Excellence (BE) accepted by
marketers across sectors, categories and markets whilst attracting
multinational players to SMEs to local brands across the board.
It also confirms the effectiveness of our campaign, "Will you be just
a footnote or will there be tales about you? which vividly brought the
BE concept to life through well-known fairy tales."
Another success factor of Brand Excellence 2011 is the fact that it
attracted many new companies and brands across various sectors.
Head of the panel of judges, Asanga Ranasinghe, Marketing Director
for Home Care and Foods, Unilever Sri Lanka, said, "We are very pleased
with this record turnout. It proves the power of Brand Excellence and is
proof of the success of our approach. As the head of the panel of
judges, I am proud to be part of the success of SLIM BE this year and
reassure all applicants that my team and I commit ourselves to
practising the highest level of professionalism in evaluating the
entries. |