'A'-(lka) rating for DSIHL
Fitch Ratings Lanka affirmed DSI Holdings Limited's National
Long-Term rating at 'A'-(lka) with stable outlook. Its senior unsecured
notes have also been affirmed at 'A' - (lka).
The rating reflects DSIHL's leading market position in SLs footwear
industry and the resilience of its businesses to economic cycles, which
has largely allowed the company to sustain its sales and profit margins.
DSIHL also benefits from a lack of strong competition in the footwear
market, helped by high import duties since 2005.
The rating is constrained by a lack of clarity on the credit profile
of its 100 percent parent D. Samson Group (DSG) of which DSIHL accounted
for 66 percent of revenue and 50 percent of profits at end March 2010,
due to delays in producing consolidated financial statements of the
DSIHL's revenue and EBITDAR grew 23 percent and 28 percent, in the
financial year ended March 2011, largely on account of a sharp increase
in average prices across its footwear business. |