IBSL transforms to risk-based model
The Insurance Board of Sri Lanka (IBSL) as the insurance regulator
considering the growth in the insurance sector, international
developments and the requests by the insurance industry, has taken a
decision to transform the rules-based supervisory system to a risk based
capital model (RBC).

This project was funded by FIRST Initiative and the technical
assistance was provided by the World Bank. The World Bank and FIRST
Initiative had appointed Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu India (Pvt) Ltd. to
propose a suitable risk sensitive capital regime for the Sri Lankan
insurance market.
This transformation will help to ascertain varying risk profiles of
different insurers and to be consistent with the international best
practices and emerging standards of the International Association of
Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).
It comprises five phases; Market Analysis, Qualitative Report,
Quantitative Report, Final Draft Rules and Training.
The consultants have already completed the first two phases and the
feedback of the insurance industry was obtained for the Qualitative
During the seminar organised by the IBSL recently, the Quantitative
Report which is the third phase of the RBC project was presented to the
insurance industry with the objective of introducing its basic concepts.
The seminar was held at Ceylon Continental Hotel, Colombo with the
participation of the Chairperson and the Board Members of the IBSL and
representatives of World Bank, Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu India (PVT)
Limited, all insurance companies and their Audit Firms.
IBSL has granted one month to insurance industry participants to
comment on the Quantitative Report. |