In Focus

Birds of prey
1. Which is the fastest flying bird?
2. How can owls hunt at night?
3. Do eagles really catch snakes?
4. How many kinds of owls are there?
5. Which is the biggest bird of prey?
Land and water
1. What is ground water?
2. Does water react chemically with other rocks?
3. What are pot holers?
4. What is biological weathering?
5. How quickly is the land worn away?
The arts
1. In Kabuki - Japanese theatre, all the parts are played by male
actors, some dressed as beautiful women. True/false?
2. In which countries are the two places known as Stratford situated and
why are they so famous?
3. Where is the world’s oldest theatre?
4. Name the place where over three million exhibits of art are there.
5. Who plays the ‘pans’?
Birds of prey
1. The peregrine falcon .As it dives to catch other birds in the air
the peregrine falcon may move at about 320km/h,faster than any other
bird.The falcon circles above the victim before making its fast dive and
killing the prey on impact.
2. Owls have excellent sight even in low light.Its hearing is also
extremely sharp so it can hear and pinpoint a sound even in complete
darkness.It also has soft edged wing feathers that enable it to beat its
wings and fly towards its victim without scarcely making a noise.
3.Yes,the serpent eagle feeds mostly on snakes and lizards. The rough
surface on the toes of the serpent eagle helps it hold on to slippery
4. There are 145 species of owl in two families.The barn owl family
comprises 10 species and the true owl family about 135 species.These
owls can be found in most parts of the world except in a few islands.
5. The great harpy eagle is the biggest and is found in the rain
forests of South America.It is up to a metre long and has huge feet and
sharp talons.
Land and water
1. Ground water is water that seeps slowly through rocks such as
sandstones and limestones .The top level of the water in the rocks is
called the water table. Wells are dug down to the water table.
2. Water dissolves rock salt.It also reacts with some types of the
hard rock granite turning minerals in the rock into a clay called
3. Pot holers are also known as swallow holes. They are holes in the
ground where people called pot holers can climb down to explore
limestone caves, they are formed when the roofs of shallow caves
4. Biological weathering is the splitting apart of rocks by tree
roots,the exposing and consequential weathering of rocks by burrowing
animals and the work of bacteria .
5.Scientists claim that an average of 3,5 centimetres is worn away
from land areas every 1,000 years. This sounds slow but over millions of
years mountains are worn to make plains.
The arts
1. True. Kabuki became popular in Japan in the 1600s and may still be
seen today. The actors wear splendid make-up and costumes.
2. Stratford is so famous because it’s the birthplace of the most
famous playwright, William Shakespeare. There are two places known as
Stratford. One is the birthplace of Shakespeare - Stratford-upon-Avon in
England and the other is Stratford in Ontario, Canada where a drama
festival is held every year in honour of him.
3. The oldest theatre building still in use today is probably the
Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, Italy. It opened over four hundred years
ago. However, people were going to see plays long before this.
4. At St. Petersburgh in Russia there is an art gallery made up of
two great buildings - the Hermitage and the Winter Palace.
5. People in the Caribbean, at Carnival time. The ‘pans’ are steel
drums which can produce beautiful dance rhythms and melodies.
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