Survey on children without education:
Over 200,000 children keep away
from school
The Education Ministry will carry out a survey of children who do not
attend schools ( from Grade One) and also school drop-outs - those who
refrain from attending school before facing at least the GCE (OL)

According to a recent survey conducted by the Children’s Rights
Advisory Network (CRAN), over 200,000 children in the country who are
between five and 14 years of age do not attend schools due to various
The survey indicates that children in low income groups , those with
various disabilities and also those living in the estate sector have
either stopped their educational activities halfway or refrained from
attending schools, even from Grade One.
Education Minister Bandula Gunawardane told the Junior Observer that
his Ministry has already directed relevant authorities in the Education
Department to carry out a survey on such children and also to look into
the reason of their inability to attend school.
The Minister urged the public to extend their support to the
Education Department to make this programme a success, considering it as
a national need.
He said as there are many children who do not attend schools even
when the Government provides free education, the public should step into
overcome this problem. “It is the duty of parents to encourage their
children to acquire a better educational background,” he said.
“When children do not acquire a sound education, they will go astray
and it will be a burden to society,” Minister Gunawardane said. He added
that an islandwide campaign will be launched to find out the exact
number of children whose education has been disrupted.It has been
reported that there are still many children who have never attended
school due to poverty and authorities should focus their attention on
such children ,and at least send them to children’s homes.
Mothers begging at bus stands, railway stations and at junctions with
infants on their shoulders is a common scene in Colombo. Some parents
also use small children to sell lottery tickets and other items.
World's shortest cat
In celebration of World Animal Day, Guinness World Records announced
that Fizz Girl, a Munchkin Cat from California, has grabbed the record
title for 'Shortest Living Cat'.Measuring in at just six inches tall,
this diminutive puss has earned herself a coveted spot in the new
Guinness World Records 2012 Edition.

Fizz Girl,a Munchkin Cat from Californiais just six inches tall. |
Fizz Girl is of the Munchin Cat breed, in which cats are born with
unusually short legs.People often mistake Fizz Girl for a kitten, rather
than an adult cat.

Hailing from Southern California, the tiny three-year-old cat doesn't
get the "short end of the stick."Owner Tiffani Kjeldergaard says: "Fizz
Girl knows that she's short, but she has no problems climbing and
getting to the highest places in the house."She goes on to describe the
cat as a 'princess' but also a very loyal and loveable companion.
Though Tiffani has bred Munchkin Cats for years, she has never seen
one quite as small as Fizz Girl.She takes the title from predecessor,
Itse Bitse, a Himalayan/Siamese mix who measured 3.75 inches high but
then went missing.
Fizz Girl is already a hit sensation online and is YouTube's 5th most
viewed 'Pets and Animals' video worldwide with 312,928 views.
World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in
Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species.
Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is
widely celebrated in countries throughout theworld. October 4 was chosen
as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the
patron saint of animals.
To see more of Fizz Girl and other record breaking animals,check out
the Guinness World Records 2012 Edition book, now available around the
world . A digital version of the book will be launched on November 28.
Winners of
Eisenhower Essay Competition 2011
[12-14 years]
1st Place - Rs. 30,000/- cash award
Jude Shannon Lucian,
St. Anthony’s College, Kandy.
2nd Place - Rs. 20,000/- cash award
Amendra Maligaspe,
Gateway College, Negombo.
3rd Place - Rs. 10,000/- cash award
P. Shehani Randika Priyamanthi Silva,
Holy Family Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Wennappuwa.
[15-16 years]
1st Place - Rs. 30,000/- cash award
L. Navod Rashintha Karunathunge,
Mahinda College, Galle.
2nd Place - Rs. 20,000/- cash award
Rebecca Thomas,
Colombo International School.
3rd Place - Rs. 10,000/- cash award
K. Don Vimanga,
Gateway College, Negombo.
[17-18 years]
1st Place - Rs. 30,000/- cash award
Vajra Prabha Rasangi Kannangara,
Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Kotte.
2nd Place - Rs. 20,000/- cash award
Amanda Mirium Georgina Fernando,
Holy Family Convent, Colombo.
3rd Place - Rs. 10,000/- cash award
Azha Ahlam,
Janadhipathi Balika Vidyalaya, Galle. |