Piramal Glass wins NBE Award
Piramal Glass Ceylon PLC (PGC) won the National Business Excellence
Award presented by the National Chamber of Comemrce. PGC won in the
Manufacturing - Chemical and Ceramic Sector for the second consecutive
year at the award ceremony .
The National Business Excellence Awards have come to be recognised by
the Sri Lankan business community as a prestigious "business benchmark"
as the selection procedure involves evaluation of performances from a
number of different aspects to maintain high standards.
The selection criteria goes well beyond the financial stability of
the company and takes into consideration areas such as steady growth,
balance business portfolio, growth of value addition, performance
against the industry, global market reach, excellence in product and
process innovation, acquisition of high impact knowledge through direct
investments, creating capacity for future growth through capital
investment, adopting best business practices for performance management
and successful institutionalisation of corporate social responsibility.
The applicants for these awards were evaluated by an eminent panel of
judges over the past few months, followed by an indepth interview.
According to PGC's CEO / Managing Director, Sanjay Tiwari, the
organisation has during the past few years taken several initiatives to
ensure that international standards and quality levels are being
maintained in their products and processes.
"The initiatives taken by PGC to introduce a continuous improvement
program [Manufacturing Excellence] suitable to the requirements of the
industry to improve their processes and services and thereby be on par
with any international manufacturer is already paying rich dividends.
This was further strengthened by the success of the employee engagement
program that was implemented", he said.