Historicising hybrid ancestries:
A glimpse at two poems of Jean Arasanayagam
The humanistic empathy one finds in the lines of
Mrs. Arasanayagam in the two poems ‘Ancestors’ and ‘Sundry
bloodlines’ speak not on the biasness of race or power or even the
moral divide of who was right and wrong. Her poetry comes as a
singular journey into the past and to decipher how much of it
resides in her as an individual how it is an heir to a legacy that
may not always be seen in the light of gloriousness.
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Literature and varieties of history
[Part 3]
In my last two columns I discussed the
relationship between literature and history in relation to the
writings of historians such as Hayden White, Dominick LaCapra and
the Annales School. Today I wish to focus on a group of historians
who are said to subscribe to the idea of psychohistory. Admittedly,
this is not a large group, and many of them are found in the United
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Cultural SCENE:
Issue of gender
[Part 1]
In this week’s column, I explore the issue of
gender in postcolonial literature. In a number of postcolonial
critical texts documented the modes through which the European
imperialism ‘colonised’ women. The critical essays which documented
the ‘double colonisation’ of women by patriarchy and colonialism
began to appear as early as 1986.
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