Science and technology development in developing countries should be
gender-sensitive - UNCTAD
Geneva, 12 December 2011 - Governments should take concerted steps to
include women and their concerns in their efforts to boost economic
growth through science, technology and innovation, a new UNCTAD report
The report, Applying a Gender Lens to Science, Technology, and
Innovation[1], was prepared as a contribution to the fifty-fifth session
of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Based on an examination of women's roles in a number of sectors such
as agriculture, water, energy, and transport, the report argues that
science, technology, and innovation - known by the acronym STI - will
not have the broadly positive effects sought in less-wealthy regions of
the world if STI policies do not specifically take into account the
needs and talents of half the global population.
Further gains in development depend on fully appreciating women's
engagement in economic life and in society, the report contends; policy
should be attentive not only to the differing impacts STI can have on
men's and women's lives, but also to the significant part women play in
economic growth. This approach should be followed throughout the process
of STI policymaking: from policy analysis and design to implementation.
Recognising this is what the report calls applying a "gender lens".
"Pursuing gender-sensitive STI policies is not only a human
development issue; it is also smart economics," explains Anne Miroux,
Director of UNCTAD's Technology and Logistics Division.
The report identifies three areas for policy action:
Science for women: developing science and technology that support
women's development and livelihood activities, especially in areas such
as agriculture, water, energy and transport;
* Women in science: promoting gender equality in science, technology
and engineering education, careers and leadership;
* Women in innovation: encouraging and supporting the role of women
in innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship at the national and grass
roots levels.
Among the report's recommendations for national governments:
* Conduct impact assessments of policies related to STI for
development to ensure that they benefit men and women equally;
* Take into account when developing STI policies the extensive work
done by women in areas such as agriculture, water and energy use;
* Expand the education of women in scientific and technological
fields, and in entrepreneurship, so that this reservoir of talent can
boost economic growth and raise living standards;
* Ensure that women have equal access to financing, land and markets
so that businesses they found and the science and research they perform
can have their full developmental impacts;
* Support the participation of women in STI decision-making at all
Among the report's recommendations for international action:
* Publicise and share examples or case studies of successful efforts
to include gender concerns in STI policies and programming.