a symbol of our heritage
One day while my grandma was relating a story she mentioned about an

As I was familiar with this place, I asked her, “Atthamma, I have
never seen an ambalama in our town”. She laughed gently and said, in
ancient times there was no motor transport. However people travelled
long distances by walking.
When they had to cover a long distance, they usually rest for a while
mid way through the journey and for this they select special places to
rest. These were substitutes for houses which helped them to temporarily
stay safe. These were called ambalamas. An ambalama is not only a
resting place but also a communicating centre in ancient days, people
didn’t live alone. As such, they lived together.
They shared their happiness and grief. In the evening they gathered
at the ambalama to chew betel and gossip. It was the symbol of unity.
The ambalama was a topic for folk tales, folk poetry and folk music.
Many a poet advice their messengers which were birds such as parrots,
pigeons, fowl and salalihini to rest in an ambalama.
In Buddhism, building a shelter for travellers, digging wells for no
payments, keeping water vessels at roadside are meritorious acts.
An ambalama is a reflection of our culture. It reflects our heritage
and architectural capabilities especially in wood carving and
The Mangalagama Ambalama is the oldest ambalama which was built by
King Dutugamunu.
In our heritage, the ambalama is testament to our peaceful
co-existence with human beings in the past. In this Hi-tech era there
are no inter-personal activities.
Therefore, human beings are very lonely. In the highways people use
motor vehicles for transport.
They don’t even peep in to an ambalama. But an ambalama is a land
mark of our heritage.
W.A. Amandi Charundya
Grade 9-B
St. Anthony’s Girls’ School,
of micro-organisms
Micro-organisms which live in the environment are not visible to the
naked eye. We need a light microscope to look at them or research them.
are various types of micro-organisms which have already been identified
by scientists such as ‘bacteria, virus, fungi and unicellular organisms.
They generally help us in many ways, but sometimes they could be
harmful. First, let me mention the benefits of micro-organisms. They
contribute to produce ‘compost’. We use it as a fertile manure which
doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals to the body. Micro-organisms are
very useful to the coir industry because they digest the coconut husks
from which coir is manufactured.
Micro-organisms are also used to produce vinegar immunization
vaccines and antibiotics. When manufacturing antibiotics mostly bacteria
and fungi are used.
Sometimes microbes spread illnesses among the people. Food spoilage
is also carried out by micro-organisms. Sometimes, micro-organisms are
harmful but most of the time they are helpful to us. Can you imagine
what would happen in the future if micro-organisms are endangered?
Bambarawana Liyanage Sumudu Lakmali,
Grade 9-B,
MR/Thelijjawila Central College.
like flowers
Flowers are very beautiful. They have sweet smells. There are many
different kinds of flowers. They are roses, lilies, sunflowers, orchids
and lotuses.
The flower is the most beautiful part of a plant. There are many soft
petals in lovely colours such as red, pink, white, orange and yellow.
Butterflies and bees like flowers. They come to suck nectar from the
flowers. My favourite flower is lotus. I like flowers very much.
Nawanjana Vihangi,
Grade 1B,
Negombo South International School,
education on latest technology
As an Advanced Level student it is my opinion that the following
changes mut be made to find solutions to the challenges students face in
today’s society.
is a must but it should be practical. Today teaching in schools is done
within a frame or in other words, within a recognised syllabus. This
teaching system is very traditional. According to my perspective, this
system of education is not practical, since it is bound only to the
classrooms, note books, pens and pencils. This system is not applicable
to the practical world.
In order to overcome this issue, I propose that, ‘the latest
technology should be connected with this traditional methods of teaching
and the entire educational system in the country. It’s important that an
expert or a professional in the relevant subject observe what is taught
in the classroom.
For example, think you are an A/L Commerce student following a lesson
during the Accounts period. As usual your Accounts teacher will be able
to teach you the theories and guide you to work on accounts using pens
and papers in the traditional way. But can you handle an account only
with this traditional teaching in a bank? No you cannot. Therefore, if
an expert in the field like a bank Manager was observing the classroom
teaching he would be able to teach you how to apply the theoretical
knowledge of accounting in a practical manner. He or she will teach you
how to work on an account with the latest technology, especially by
using a computer.
You may now understand the difference, and be able to select what is
beneficial. Whether to continue only with the traditional system or
handle it with modern technology to learn practical capabilities in the
world. Here, I do not say that the traditional method of teaching should
be neglected and done away with. But these theories should be combined
with the new technology to reap harvest its benefits.
Living in a modernised world where everything changes very quickly,
the education system too should be modernised; it should be applicable
and practical to these changes and challenges.
Authorities must turn a positive eye towards the necessity of
structuring the educational system on par with advancing technology in
order to assist students face the numerous challenges that would come
their way in the future.
A.A.D.R. Nishadi,
Grade 12J, Kuli/Central College,
True friendship - a
great gift
Friendship is one of the noblest expressions of human instincts and
emotion. Many poets and singers have praised and lauded friendship.

Friends are like a guiding light that leads us to joy and happiness
in this world of sorrows and selfishness. Everybody needs a friend at
one point or another in one’s life. Even powerful and mighty people,
such as kings and queens crave for friends.
Friendship is one of the crowning glories of mankind. Friendship
involves a lot of responsibilities, obligations and duties.
There are many fair-weather friends. They are there to share your
sunshine and laughter. During happiness and prosperity they are always
with you, but as soon as you are in some trouble or facing misfortune,
they are nowhere to be found.
It is very difficult to find a true friend nowadays. It is said ‘A
friend in need is a friend indeed.’
It is easy to make friends, but it is really difficult to maintain a
friendship because it involves a lot of responsibilities, duties,
obligations and sacrifices.
A true friend is worth his weight in gold. We should choose our
friends very carefully and patiently. We should try to find out their
true qualities and character before making friends with them.Friendship
inspires confidence and sacrifice for each other.
No sacrifice made for a friend is too great. If you can have even one
true friend, consider yourself very fortunate. A true friend is a
precious gift.
W. Taniya Gimhani Fernando,
Grade 9D E.M.
Nw/Ch/Wen/Dankotuwa Girls’ College.
Value childhood
Childhood is a stage of human life we enjoy .We will never experience
the same type of freedom and joy once we become adults.From infancy we
step into childhood.
It is during childhood that we begin to talk and walk properly,
recognise our relatives and inter act with people.
we reach 18 years we are considered children. When a child enters teen
years – age thirteen, he/she gains more knowledge about society. He has
a better understanding of himself and others. Generally during this time
they change the way they behave and interact with others.
There are two major stages of childhood. The first is known as early
childhood, where our parents always guide us and stay behind us like our
The next stage of childhood is adolescence, the time when our parents
show us the right path and guide us, and give us the freedom to decide
because we are able to understandthings better. We must always do the
right thing during this time.
Childhood is the stage, when we can achieve many things especially at
school and various other fields. This is the time we can show our
talents in dancing, music, sports and other social activities.
Childhood is the most beautiful and important stage in our lives.
During childhood, we must develop our talents and show them to the
world. When we become teenagers, we must think twice before making
decisions and coming to any conclusion about any thing that concerns our
Most adults wish they could go back to their childhood, while many
children clamour to become adults. This is because most children don’t
understand the value of childhood. During childhood we spent all our
time with our parents. They take good care of us and give us what we
want. When we become adults we have more responsibilities and some times
have lost our parents too. During this time we will have our own
families to support and care for, so we cannot enjoy the love and care
of our parents like we do as children.
If we understand the correct value of this age, we can reap many
benefits during this stage of life. So, as children, lets learn to value
every single minute of our childhood _ a precious stage of life which
will never come again.
Sanduni Navinda Mihishani Perera,
Grade 7,
Willesden College International. |