Japan extends US$ 785,000 for demining

At the signing of the agreement
The Government of Japan extended an additional US$ 785,000 (Rs. 86
million) grant aid for humanitarian demining in the North of Sri Lanka
through the HALO Trust to expedite the efforts of the Sri Lankan
Government to achieve a mine-free Sri Lanka.
Japan has been a major donor supporting mine clearance in Sri Lanka
to accelerate the return and resettlement of Displaced Persons and to
facilitate the recommencement of agriculture and other livelihood
activities of returnees. In 2011, the Government of Japan has extended
US$ 2.2 million (around Rs. 250 million) grant aid for mine clearance
including this project through the HALO Trust, Delvon Assistance for
Social Harmony Sri Lanka (DASH) and Swiss Foundation for Mine Action
(FSD), and has provided an accumulated amount of US$ 23 million (Rs.
2,500 million) since 2003 for demining activities in the North and the
East under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects
Japan hopes that this assistance would directly benefit people at the
grassroots level, ensuring the security of the people. Adam Jasinski,
Programme Manager, The HALO Trust, said, "We are very grateful to the
Government of Japan for its continuing support, which will allow the
HALO Trust to employ 200 local deminers and focus on clearing
high-priority minefields in Kilinochchi and Jaffna Districts."