Improve your writing
by K.K.D. Premalal -Matugama Sp.Corr.
We need to improve four language skills to master any language. They
are listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, writing plays a
major role to pass examinations. Despite the fact that writing is very
essential for our day-to-day life, we tend to pay scant attention for
writing. Eloquent speakers can spell bound the audience where as a good
writer can grasp the attention of the readers.
You cannot master any skill overnight. Likewise one's writing cannot
be improved within a short period of time. It should be a continuous
process. You tend to make less mistakes, if you write very regularly.
You can produce a good piece of writing, if you do so.
You must be pondering what to write, It depends on the interest you
have. Some are capable of writing short stories and others are
interested in writing poems.
Knack for writing
Some others have a knack for writing essay type articles. Whatever
you wish to write on, you must have a clear picture of what you are
going to write. If you write on various subjects, you will certainly
stand the chance of enriching your vocabulary and you will be familiar
with different subject areas.
Most of us love to see our names in print. This is the very reason
why people write to newspapers and magazines. After writing an essay or
any other piece of literature, you should self-edit it.
This cannot be done immediately. After writing it, leave your writing
for a day or two. Then come back to it.
It will help you to spot your own mistakes and rewrite it in a better
way. In the alternation, it is always advisable to show your piece of
writing to a friend or a teacher who will guide you to rewrite certain
Read aloud what you have written in order to ascertain whether your
writing sounds correct. This gives you a sense of satisfaction. In many
countries, there are writers-clubs to help young writers.
The senior members of the club will evaluate what the juniors write.
This is a constant learning process in writing.
Good writer
To become a good writer, you need to read books written on different
subjects. When you read a book or a magazine, you should underline the
difficult words and phrases and learn their meanings. In writing
courses, this is known as reading, marking and digesting. So you must
read, mark and digest to get the maximum benefit out of reading.
Whatever you learn from reading should go into your journal. This
should be the book that you should read regularly to refresh your mind.
However, reading cannot be done in a hurry. If you read a
textbook, read a chapter fast without pausing to learn the meanings
of difficult words. When you read the chapter for the second time, do it
Stop your reading when you come across a difficult word or a phrase
and learn its meaning by referring to a standard dictionary. Never skip
over a difficult word or a phrase without learning its meaning. When you
read a book or a magazine, you should have a constant dialogue with the
author or the writer. Sometimes you may disagree with him or her for
various reasons.
The margins in books are meant for you to write your comments.
For instance, eminent historian Lord Macaulay wrote his comments on
the margins of the books to read regularly. Once he wrote the word
"rubbish" while reading an authoritarian book on history.
On the other hand, when you have a dialogue with the author, you can
keep track with his line of argument.
This shows we should develop critical reading and not passive
Every word has many shades of meaning or nuances.
When you learn different meaning of a single word it enriches your
Budding writer
There are certain books that a budding writer needs. A standard
dictionary such as the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is vade
The other book you need is a good edition of Roget's thesaurus. The
dictionary should be a new one printed within the past ten years.
The difference between the dictionary and the thesaurus is that the
former helps you to find the meanings of words while the latter will
help you to find synonyms and antonyms.
Many people ask whether they should read everything written by
others. The answers is yes. Without reading everything, you cannot
choose what you want to read. We all have different taste in reading.
Present day children do not engage in writing.
They do not write letters to their kiths and kins. Instead they call
or send SMS messages for their convenience.
Teachers and parents
Teachers and parents have a very big role to encourage their children
to write. Some children send their contributions to newspapers.
If their contributions are not carried in the newspapers, they get
discouraged and give up writing for good.
However, some children take rejection slips as a challenge and keep
on writing until their contributions appear in print. It is undoubtedly
a healthy sign, and, keep on writing!