Corrupt NGO carrion birds, loathsome campaigns
If there is one ministry that is working well, that is the Defence
Ministry. Having achieved incredible success over the years that were
rumoured by the NGO machinery as unachievable, the Ministry of Defence
(MoD) has brought peace to the country.
Peace for Sri Lanka’s
children, a huge achievement |
Each year over 4,000 people get to live. If not for the Ministry of
Defence under the incumbent Defence Secretary, more than 12,000 young
lives would have been lost to war. Today most killings result from
accidents, domestic disputes and other personal disputes. There is
nothing the Ministry of Defence can do about these.
In addition to the noble task of achieving peace, the Defence
Secretary as the Urban Development Authority (UDA) head turned Colombo,
which was an eyesore previously, into a cleaner city. Various illegal
activities that thrived in the backstreets of Colombo have now
It must be remembered that before the incumbent Defence Secretary
took over, there was a time when well-known underworld murderers were
appointed ministry secretaries (that too for the Education Ministry
under Ranil Wickremesinghe!); a notorious drug baron was appointed
police chief and had to resign when the media reported his friendship
with a top heroin dealer; scores of policemen and unarmed civilians were
killed even inside police stations; judges were slain by drug lords and
the Constitutional Affairs Minister had to call a terrorist leader by
the title ‘Your Excellency’. These things changed, not by accident, but
by the hard work of the Ministry of Defence, ably led by the Defence
When controversial and colourful UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera demanded
the Defence Secretary to resign, he was not alone. He is supported by a
large drone of NGO carrion birds that have now lost the feast of corpses
they used to enjoy.
The LTTE rump has channelled their $300 million to NGOs, video
production firms, Western politicians, website developers and law firms.
Their aim is to get the Army presence in the north thinned and the
Defence Secretary ousted so that they can restart their terrorist
campaign. Local NGO carrion birds dance to their tune for a few thousand
dollars a month.
There is a popular allegation against ‘white vans’ being used by
persons connected with the Ministry of Defence to threaten, hurt and/or
This is an absurd allegation. During the war against terrorism, there
were many incidents of various parties abducting and killing people,
mainly done by LTTE groups. However, afterwards, not a single person
died from what is alleged to be ‘white van’ abductions. It is a popular
escape route for many unscrupulous criminals.
Alleged ‘white van’ abductions get sympathy and international
recognition and are a magic bath that cleanses any criminal of his
criminal record. These are mere made-up stories or self-staged dramas.
When the victims - most often criminals - are asked to provide details
of their abductors, their surroundings or anything that would help in an
investigation, they go blank! So called victims of ‘white vans’ even
fail to report the matter to the police.
Justice and security are everyone’s responsibility. So called victims
of abduction cases must come forward with their evidence without
pointing fingers at innocents. Strangely, it is drug dealers, contract
killers, terrorist elements, underworld gangsters, prostitution ring
leaders and the like that get ‘white-vanned’ when law enforcement is
nearing them! The few innocents who were abducted by criminal elements
have all been accounted for and the culprits taken into custody,
irrespective of their rank.
The alleged abduction of serial killer, JVP subversive member and the
offender of multiple felonies - Gunaratnam aka Mudalige and his
accomplice Dimuthu Atigala is another concocted story that grabbed
headlines. When Gunaratnam aka Mudalige came to realise he has
overstayed his visa and committed other crimes and that he will be
caught, he staged a ‘white van’ drama, but appeared soon afterwards
without any serious health issues. Thanks to the ‘white van’ drama and
the publicity it received, this serious felony offender managed to
escape justice once again.
As absurd as the ‘white van’ myth, the grease devil myth caused
serious havoc in many parts of the country. People arbitrarily attacked
persons calling them grease devils. Often public anger was carefully
channelled against the Government.
Once again, the so called victims failed to report the crime to the
police and were very protective of the ‘grease devils’! They ensured
that the so called ‘grease devils’ are not identified or punished.
Instead they attacked police officers and other unconnected parties.
There were a few key operatives behind the ‘grease devil’ madness.
Once they were brought to justice, the whole saga ended as it started.
Had the grease devil saga continued, it would have snowballed into a
nationwide witch hunt of arbitrary executions and riots.
War crimes allegations
The LTTE-funded NGO carrion birds’ initial avenue of attack was
through war crimes allegations. However, after the UNHRC adopting the
LLRC report and shedding the Darusman report, their luck ran out.
With the adoption of the LLRC report by the UNHRC, it became clear to
them that war crimes allegations against innocents including the Defence
Secretary are not going anywhere. That’s when they started making
ludicrous allegations.
Some seem to have a funny definition of threats. Recently the Defence
Secretary told Nirmal Devasiri - a well-known NGO activist - to seek the
avenues of law enforcement to trace alleged criminals and bring them to
justice. The NGO media reported it as a threat!
Grease devils, white vans, alleged threats and other antics won’t be
the last in their bag. They will come up with various other fancy
It will be better for those who maliciously blame the Defence
Secretary to hand over their absconding JVP leaders and Batalanda mass
murderers with admissible evidence so that justice can be delivered at
least after a quarter of a century later. Crimes they committed against
civilians are war crimes.
LTTE-sponsored NGO money cannot fool the people who don’t get any NGO
benefits. Most Sri Lankans are very grateful to the Defence Secretary
for his noble achievements on behalf of the nation. To the good fortune
of Sri Lankans, they have the incumbent Defence Secretary who cannot be
swayed by threats and malicious propaganda.
Sri Lankans who love their motherland and law and order must separate
fact from fiction and identify the NGO carrion birds that would do
anything for a few thousand dollars. During the war against terrorism a
group of political journalists who paddled the LTTE cause, found their
readers deserting them.
Pulling another trick from their hat, they blamed the Armed Forces of
threatening them, to seek asylum in rich Western nations. Most of them
got their visas. It was a good economic decision to save face at a time
people came to know their true nature.
To continue their enterprise, they call themselves ‘self-exiled’ but
visit Sri Lanka regularly and have launched a malicious campaign against
the nation. By being closer to the LTTE rump, they now get a share of
the $300 million directly bypassing agents.
Courtesy: defence.lk