How to draw a horse's head
Horses are another very popular subject for artists. It is one of the
first wild animals to be tamed and domesticated by man. It is also an
animal that is very useful to man .The horse has been used for a very
wide range of jobs such as ploughing (in the west) pulling heavy loads,
in the battle field, to carry knights in armour, for racing and hunting
for many centuries.

The most difficult part of a horse to draw is the head because the
skull is a complex shape. It has many small bumps, hollows, ridges and
curves on it. A horse's head from the side (profile) is wedge shaped.
Notice the way it has been drawn in Figure 1. I have drawn the bone
structure by using very fine dot stipple.
A horse's cheeks are prominent and they have a bony ridge down to the
nostrils , surrounded by soft skin. Observe the large sharp eyes and the
ears which are jutting out. An outline sketch has been done in Figure
1to give the correct dimension, before drawing the complete side
Figure 2 is a sketch of the head from the front. The head has the
shape of a coffin. First do an outline with a HB pencil with a sharp
point and finally complete the sketch with pen and ink. Try to remember
these shapes because then you will be able to draw a horse's head
correctly by memory. See that construction lines are accurate before
adding the details. After this add the dark patches. They are best shown
by using tiny dots.