Year 5 Schol evaluation at 27 centres
Twenty seven schools used for the evaluation of the Year 5
scholarship exam papers will reopen on September 10, the Education
Ministry said.
The 22 schools where the evaluation will be conducted:
Susamayawardana MV, Colombo 8; Yashodhara Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 10;
President's College, Maharagama; St. Mary's MV, Avissawella; Gothami
Primary School, Gampaha; Ferguson High School, Ratnapura; Embilipitiya
MV, Embilipitiya; St. Joshph's College, Bandarawela; Dharmaduta MV,
Badulla; Central MV, Mahiyanganaya; Anula Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Galle
Fort; President's College, Matara; Rahula Vidyalaya, Tangalle;
Maliyadeva Model MV, Kurunegala; Central MV, Kuliyapitiya; Carmel
Primary School, Chilaw; Thopawewa MV, Polonnaruwa; Vigneshwaran MV,
Trincomalee; St. Mary's MV, Kegalle; Sarasavi Uyana MV, Peradeniya;
Kingswood College, Kandy and St. John Boscoe MV, Hatton.