Common Language, the strong point:
Tamils and Muslims live in harmony - Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan
By Mohammed NAALIR

Former Eastern Province Chief Minister
Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan
There is a need for 48,000 houses in the Eastern province for the
people who live below the poverty line. I plan to implement a housing
scheme for the people who live below the poverty line and also help
widows if I am elected Chief Minister, former Eastern Province Chief
Minister, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan said.
Special plans have been drafted to improve the living standards of
widows. Community livelihood development projects will be implemented
while introducing loan schemes, the former Chief Minister said.
Q: Can you explain the unity of Muslims and Tamils in the
Batticaloa District?
A: The Eastern province is a unique province where Muslims and
Tamils live in nearly equal number.
Eventhough Muslims, Tamils and Sinhalese live in the province there
is no dispute whatsoever between the communities. They live in unison.
There is ample evidence in history about the unity of Muslims and
Eventhough they differ culturally and in religion it is not a barrier
for ethnic integrity. Muslims are invited to weddings of the Tamils and
vice a versa. Language is the main mode connecting both communities.
Language wise these two communities can't be separated. Muslims and
Tamils love the Tamil language just like loving a mother. While
protecting language, the Muslims have contributed to the growth of the
Tamil language.
There are famous poets, writers and Tamil enthusiasts in the province
among the Muslim community in the Eastern province. Politicians during
election time carry out propaganda on an ethnic basis it does not
continue after elections are over. It won't affect the ethnical
integrity at any time. Besides, the Tamils and Muslims are jointly
engaged in agriculture, fisheries, business, state sector employment and
other affairs in the province.
Q: Were you satisfied with your service to both communities in
the province during your tenure as Chief Minister?
A: Of course, I am a Tamil but I never stayed away from
serving the Muslims in the province. I have enough concern towards the
well being of Muslims in the province.
I fulfilled the needs of Muslims with my whole heart. My service was
satisfactory to the Muslims in the manner that they did not miss having
a Muslim Chief Minister.
I helped the Muslim and Tamil people who approached me for help as
far as possible.
There are Muslims in the Eastern Province who serve the Muslims and
Tamils without discrimination. They do the job on an equal scale when
serving the people. Muslim Ministers and Deputy Ministers provided me a
solid support to do my job well.
Due to this congenial environment in the province the Tamil-Muslim
relationship in the province has further developed.
Eventhough one may be Tamil or Muslim his aim should be the
prosperity and development of the province.
Q: What is your comment about the statement that many kinds of
services could be rendered in your four-year of office?
A: There is no truth in this statement. Those who make such
baseless allegations should think of the state of the Batticaloa
district at a time it was liberated from the clutches of the LTTE. Then
they will be able to see the truth for themselves and see the
The contribution of the provincial council is also there to the
program implemented by the government to improve the agriculture sector
in the province.
Due to the projects implemented by the Government, paddy production
has reached self-sufficiency in the district.
The Gama Neguma, Divi Neguma projects and Deyata Kirula program of
the Government is a fortune package for the East. Several billion rupees
have been spent on various development projects.
The fisheries industry has been developed. Steps have been taken to
uplift the living conditions of fishermen. The giant industries have
been modernized.
Small and domestic industries have been encouraged. The moves to
develop the education sector were satisfactory. Shortcomings in
hospitals has been solved. Hospitals come under the administration of
the Eastern provincial council, rural dispensaries have been modernised
to solve the problems of patients.
Several million rupees have been spent for rural electrification.
Pure drinking water facilities have been provided to rural villages in
the province. Dilapidated roads and other roads have been developed.
Damaged bridges have been reconstructed. Transport has been improved.
Buildings that were destroyed have been reconstructed.
Reservoirs and irrigation canals have been renovated. Recreation
facilities for youth have been improved. Steps have been taken to
improve the sports sector in the province.
Due to the rapid development in the province the tourism industry has
also improved.
Q: How are the opportunities for victory and propaganda in the
Eastern Provincial council election?
A: The destructive 30 year-old terrorism has ended. Due to
terrorism the Eastern province was severely affected. President Mahinda
Rajapaksa decided to hand over democracy to the people to hold a free
and fair election.
The provincial council election was held in 2008 and the United
People's Freedom Alliance recorded a landslide victory. I was appointed
as Chief Minister.
The TNA withdrew from the election; I don't know what the reason was
for such destruction in the province.
This time the TNA is contesting in the Eastern Provincial council
election with its previous stories. However, the monopolistic attitude
should be removed.
He said that the employment problems of graduates have already been
solved. Secondly we have worked out plans to generate employment for
those who passed G.C.E (O/L) and (A/L).
A large number of employment avenues can be generated only through
increasing investments in the province.
A large number of vocational training programs are going on in the
province to address the problems of unemployed youth, Chandrakanthan
He said that production should be increased. Technical know-how is
the only means to increase production capacity, while minimising
Improved infrastructure facilities and political stability is the
gate-way to attract more foreign investors to the country.
Then only a large number of employment concerned can be generated,
Chandrakanthan said.
The Batticaloa Medical College is being developed. The existing
universities are enough to cater to the educational needs of the
The contribution of universities was not sufficient to improve the
fisheries industry.
There was no separate research body to improve the agriculture
sector. All of these sectors are now being developed in the province, he