Community policing training: Certificates for 30 police officers
The third batch comprising 30 senior police
officers who successfully completed a training program in community
policing work was awarded certificates recently. British High
Commissioner John Rankin, Scottish police trainers, Inspector
General of Police N.K. Illangakoon and officials from the Defence
Ministry and Asia Foundation took part in the event at the police
headquarters in Colombo recently.
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Improving blue water capabilities vital:
Sri Lanka a maritime hub - Navy Commander
Vice Admiral Jayanath Colombage, an exemplary
Naval officer who assumed duties as the 18th Commander of the Sri
Lanka Navy believes in the expansion of the Navy to create the first
line of defence around the country, enabling it to go beyond the
2,000 nautical mile range to patrol the territorial waters of the
country with the change of its role in the post-conflict scenario.
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Sunday Crime
Kahawatte suspects rounded up
The mystery behind the killing of several women
at Kotakethana, Kahawatte was finally unravelled by sleuths of the
Colombo Crime Division last week, following the arrest of four
suspects linked to the killing of two women at Kahawatte.
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