Be careful with fireworks
The count down to the New Year has already begun and the sound of
crackers which already fill the air following the Christmas festivities
will reach its zenith at midnight on December 31.Fireworks traditionally
herald the New Year in Sri Lanka, and both adults and children have a
whale of a time lighting them.

It is important to be careful when dealing with fireworks, especially
firecrackers and sky rockets. Most of you must be aware of the danger
they pose by now as the instances where people have been injured are
numerous. There are many children who have sustained eye injuries and
had almost lost their fingers as a result of firecrackers bursting in
their hands. Do not take any chances when dealing with fire. always ask
an adult to help you light them and make sure you and the adults too
follow guidelines.
You must not wear clothes that are made of material such as silk and
nylon that catch fire easily. Keep a safe distance from the fireworks
once they are lit. Never throw them around carelessly because they could
land on people, animals and even property .Have fun by all means but do
not leave room for regrets by losing sight of the danger a wrong move
can result in .
Miru |