Helping the helpless
There are lots of helpless people in our country. Beggars are not the
only helpless people. There are many others who are desperate and
helpless due to economic and various other reasons .

When a person falls into some sort of trouble he becomes helpless if
there is nobody to give him a helping hand. So, it is the duty of
everybody to do some service and be helpful to others, especially those
who are poor and in trouble.
There are many who become helpless due to natural disasters. Then
there are people who have nobody to look after them and face a helpless
situation in life. The physically and mentally handicapped people too
are helpless. It is a noble habit to help such people.
A beggar is undoubtedly a helpless person. Many who beg cannot do a
job to meet the needs of their day-to-day existence. So, as they have no
income, they beg for food, clothing and money.Most often they do so to
feed their young and helpless family members. It is our duty to help
them whenever they come to us for assistance.
Sri Lanka is not a highly developed and rich country. There are many
poor and helpless people who do not even have their daily meals. Some do
not even have proper clothes to wear and others have no houses to live
There are many beggars who spend the nights on the pavements and
streets. Some of the elderly people too are very helpless and need our
care very often.The Social Services Department is trying to help most of
these helpless people. It gives assistance to some of them. Many get
Samurdhi assistance from the Government. However, that meagre amount of
money is not sufficient for their living. That is why people who are
well-to-do should help them overcome the pathetic plight they are in.
A lot of wealthy people do not even want to be burdened with these
helpless people. Even when they see beggars , they send them away
without giving them at least some food to eat. This is a very bad habit.
We as children should always try to help those who are in need. With
the festive season here we can step in to help the poor and the needy by
sharing our toys and food with them.
Lasani Rashendri,
Princess of Wales College,
What is Christmas?
It all started, when I asked my aunt, “Did you go shopping for
Christmas?” Since I am a Buddhist, I thought that Christmas is not only
about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ but also about enjoying and
going shopping. And the reply I got from my aunt is not what I expected.

“Not yet. Anyway Christmas is not about buying things. It is much
more than that. It’s about sharing and caring. And spreading the message
of God,”she sa id.My thoughts went far away. I though of the poor and
needy who would not be able to buy things on such a great day.
I imagined the Christmas celebrated by the rich; roasted chicken and
delicious food to eat, plenty of money to buy valuable gifts for their
children, partying and visiting places they like. Then suddenly I
realised I’ve made a mistake in thinking so.
I realised that my aunt was correct. Christmas is not about the
amount of material things one has to celebrate but about sharing and
caring. And whether you are rich or poor it can be done easily. So,
let’s get ready to celebrate Christmas like that. May all your dreams
come true on this great Christmas Day.
Prabuddhi Kaushalya,
Grade 11A SL,
Republican International School,
Why should some cry, every time?
Once I was walking along the street,

I saw a boy pale and weak.
The only thing he had as a being,
Were the ragged clothes he was wearing.
He went to all the aunts and uncles,
In the street with luxurious vehicles,
But as the little boy came near,
They went away without giving an ear.
In the times we play and laugh,
Some will die with their life cut in half,
If we live to enjoy a smile,
Why should only some cry, every time?
Amodha Shachiko Kitthangoda,
Negombo South International School,
The wonder machine
The human body is a wonderful machine. It performs several functions
without any rest. From birth, our body continues to work, without
stopping even for a second.
 The main organs of the human body are the lung, kidney, heart, brain
and liver. These organs which work together are controlled by the brain.
There are many systems and each system carries out a major function.
They include the digestive system, excretory system, circulatory
system, muscular system .All these and other systems are controlled by
the brain. The brain gives us intelligence to use our physical and
mental abilities.
The body has more than 50,000 living cells of two hundred different
types. These cells include neurons (nerve cells) and glands (specialised
cells). Various types of cells perform different functions. Cells doing
a similar job are grouped to form tissues.
The tissues group together in a special manner to form organs.
The human body is covered by a skin. It is a flexible covering which
protect the entire body. It keeps water and harmful germs out. The
body's strong internal framework, (the skeleton) is made of 206 bones.
These are controlled by joints, such as those in the legs.
These joints help us to move. The backbone supports the head and
limbs and protects the spinal cord. Between the skeleton and skin there
are about 650 muscles. Nerves spread from the brain to all parts of the
They carry signals in the form of tiny electrical impulses. The sense
organs, namely the eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin pass the messages
to the brain through nerves.
They relay the instructions from the brain to the muscles. The brain
automatically controls breathing, the heartbeat, digestion and other
Hormones and enzymes are produced and secreted by the glands.
The body keeps on growing. The peak of physical growing is reached at
about 18 to 25 years of age.
When we grow old the skin becomes wrinkled and less elastic. The
joints become inflexible, muscles loosen and the bones become weak.
At the climax of life, the body gives up and death occurs.
The human body is the most valuable gift. A healthy body contains a
healthy brain. A healthy brain contains a healthy soul.
It is very important to take care of our body. For this, we need to
do regular exercises, control our eating habits, maintain cleanliness of
the body and also discipline.
It is essential to follow these in our daily life. We should protect
our body to keep it healthy.
Supuni Weerasuriya,
Grade 8A,
Royal Institute,
Visitors from the North Pole
Here comes the month of December;
Mailbox of Santa flooding with

Letters from all around the world,
While he makes a list longer
Than his snowy-white beard,
With his specs about to jump down his nose
While search parties of angels carry
Names of kids good and bad,
Elves run about in short strides
Carrying piles and piles of gifts;
In which what is there, nobody has seen
Stacks of gifts filled with surprises
Taller than their glimmering eyes
When one trod over a star,
And had to gather them all again.
Hey, have you lately heard any sound
Of reindeer hooves around twilight?
‘Cos they’re already on their run
From the snow covered North Pole,
It’s all a busy time there,
In Santa’s world, filled with toys
As Christmas ain’t far away.
Keep a watch for Santa and his reindeer
He is coming with loads of gifts
And with greetings of MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Maneka Wijesundara,
Grade 11,
Sussex College,
Soon it’ll be Christmas
Christmas is a religious festival celebrated by the Christians all
over the world in December. It marks the birth of Jesus Christ, their
spiritual leader.
During Christmas, Christians prepare sweetmeats and Christmas cakes.
They also decorate their homes with Christmas trees coloured lights,
balloons and other beautiful seasonal ornaments. They go to the church
at midnight on December 24 or on December 25 in the morning. They sing
carols and give presents to their family, relatives and friends.
It is a beautiful festival with a lot of fun-filled activities
especially for children.
Many children eagerly wait for Santa Claus because he brings them
many gifts.
During this festive season the shops are filled with a variety of
goods and people are busy shopping.
The streets and shops are also beautifully decorated and the spirit
of Christmas is everywhere.
Lioni Nathara Sikurajapathi,
Grade 5C,
St. John’s Girls’ School,
My grandparents
My dad's parents live with us in Wariyapola. I call them Archchi and
Seeya. They are very old but healthy. They help my Amma a lot to look
after my Malli.
They go to the fair and bring vegetables when my Appachchi is away
from home. They are very friendly and help each other a lot .
They tell me bedtime stories. My Seeya sometimes brings a cane to
punishme when I do mischievous things but my Archchi hides me behind
her. They love me very much and I love them, too.
Hansa Nimneth Rajapakshe,
Grade 2,
Wayamba Royal College,
Kurunegala. |