A Christmas wish
The night of December 23. Aloy, Seela and daughter Marina were with
the happy swarm of Christmas shoppers on Main Street, Pettah. As always,
there was cacophony of sounds. Voices of children, carols from the many
DVD, VCD sellers and also the sound of crackers.
Seela was expecting her second baby and Marina was very excited.
“Thaththa, is it like this in all the countries?” “Yes duwa, Christmas
time is enjoyed by almost all countries because it is just seven days
before the New Year. New classes, new clothes, new books, new toys. You
can see people buying crackers and fireworks to light on New Year's Day.
We light them on Christmas day also. It is a children's festival.
We go to church to say Happy Birthday to our Baby Jesus.’
”Amma, will our new chooty malli that you are going to give us be
able to go to Church for Midnight Mass?” Amma and Thaththa smiled.
“Must hang a pillow case for malli too. I am sure Santa will bring
something nice for him.”
“Why do you think that our baby will be a malli?”
“Baby Jesus is a boy, so he will give me a malli.”
They took a trishaw to St. Philip Neris’ Church on Olcott Street.
After praying at the main altar, they went up to the statue of the
Mother of Jesus on the left wing, where she is with Baby Jesus pointing
a finger at somebody.
Little Marina was smiling. “I am sure Jesus heard. Look! He is
showing me to our Mother Mary.He must be saying we will give her a Malli.
“Thaththa what shall we give Baby Jesus for Christmas?” Aloy and
Seela spoke in whispers. Aloy embraced their little jewel. They sat
between Marina on a pew.
“Duwa, can you remember the day you gave your new pair of shoes to a
mother and girl who came to our house for alms?” “Yes.” “We have seen
you feeding those stray cats and dogs near Sunil Uncle's appa kade."
“Yes, Amma, they love me. I love them too.”
“We also saw you giving some sweets from your bag to street children
“Yes, Thaththa. I am sure they were hungry for sweets,”little Marina
gave a mischievous smile.
“You gave some of your pocket money too to those two seeyas at the
entrance to the church,”he said . “ Yes – one was just like Alfred Seeya.”
“My darling duwa, amma and archchie told me how you applied oil on
archchi's legs while keeping them on your lap.” Marina smiled. Aloy and
Seela embraced her. Seela was wiping a tear.
“Now my duwa all those beautiful things you did, and will do when you
are a big girl, are the most loving presents you can give Baby Jesus. He
has said that the smallest favour and help you give to those who are
hungry and are unable to buy nice things are actually what you give to
Him. So, my sweet Marina, He too will give you whatever you want."
“Thaththa, I told Jesus to tell Santa to give amma a chooty baba like
Baby Jesus. A malliya for me".
A few people who were watching them also overheard the innocent
chatter. All shuffled Marina's hair.
Then it was December 24. Only Seeya, Ian uncle, nandhi and Marina
were in church for Midnight Mass. The others were all in the nursing
home with Seela. Holy Mass was over. A nativity play with Marina as
Mother Mary was followed by lots of the usual fellowship amidst milk
coffee, kiribath, crackers and embraces.
A call from the nursing home. At 1.20 in the morning of December 25,
Seela had been blessed with a baby boy. Marina was in tears. The family
rushed to the abode of joy.
Wrapped in a blue coloured blanket Aloy junior slept in his mother's
arms. Seela smiled. A contagious smile of joy and love. Marina gave a
kiss to amma. Also to thaththa.
“You see my duwa, because He was so happy with you, He gave you the
Christmas present you wanted so much.”
“Thaththa, let us give all my other presents to those other nangi's
and malli's. I have got the most beautiful present from Jesus. Amma you
and my malliya.” - Everyone in that blessed room shed tears of love and
Siripathy Jayamaha |