Lest we forget...
The devastating tsunami of 2004, also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami
may be very much behind us and even forgotten by those who were not
directly affected by it, but to those who were, it is an entirely
different story.

There are many who still cannot get back to their normal lifestyles
due to a lack of closure, which means they still do not know what
exactly happened to their loved ones. Some are of the view that their
loved ones are still alive, somewhere , because they never saw them
dead. Apart from this, there were many people, especially children who
survived the destructive effects of the tsunami but went missing after
becoming displaced during the tragic incident .
Their loss and pain should never be forgotten . So ,if there are any
people in your neighbourhood who still need some form of assistance to
deal with what they faced on that fateful day ,and also as a result of
the many other natural disasters which occurred recently , do not
hesitate to lend a helping hand to them . We must be quick to help those
in trouble, especially as a result of the devastating effects of a
natural disaster . Mother Nature could strike us any time, anywhere and
it can be you who need help someday.
Miru. |