The night before
Christmas ...
Yes, time is ticking by fast indeed and in less than 24 hours it will
be Christmas eve; the night before Christmas when that legendary
character with the snowy white beard ,twinkling eyes and jolly old face
makes an appearance. It's the time children all over the world wait in
great anticipation, filled with excitement for the arrival of Santa
Claus. And how many of you add to the vast numbers?

In most western countries it is customary for children to hang
Christmas stockings near the hearth or close to their beds for Santa to
fill with gifts (most of which they have asked for by sending him a
letter) .They also leave a plate of cookies and milk for Santa under the
Christmas tree. Does anyone of you plan on doing the same? Yes?
Well, it is true that many people frown upon the concept of Santa
Claus and his magical trips around the world in a sleigh driven by
reindeer, to deliver the toys in the wish list which children send him.
However,as little children simply love him Santa is a hard character to
ignore, come every Christmas. So, like it or not , Santa is here to
stay. And no matter what people say , he adds magic to the festivities
during Christmas.
Why not let Santa sprinkle the world with some of his magic? Who else
but Santa could do so while he flies around the world in his magical
sleigh with Dancer, Prancer , Dasher, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and
Blixem, not forgetting Rudolf the red -nosed reindeer?
If one is to go by the famous poem 'Twas the night before Christmas
believed to have been authored by Clement Clark Moor originally and
later Major Henry Livingston Jr., Santa comes at a time when ,"all
through the house not a creature was stirring ,not even a mouse".It is
the popular belief that Santa Claus makes his appearance at midnight and
so children strive to keep up till that time to sneak up on him or at
least get a glimpse of him as he makes his quick getaway after filling
up their stockings. But alas! This generally proves to be a futile
effort. Keeping up till midnight seems so very, very difficult. The
eyelids somehow refuse to stay open. How stubborn!
Of course some children do succeed in keeping awake but unfortunately
they do not get to see him even when they do so. Why? Because Santa
knows they are awake. Remember Santa is a magical person and he knows
everything. He know when children are awake, just like how he knows
whether they have been naughty or nice .
Here's the crucial question. How many of you have mailed your wish
list to Santa and are counting the minutes for the great moment to come?
And how many of you remembered to add a gift in your wish list to give a
poor little one in your neighbourhood on Christmas Day? Forgot? It never
crossed your mind? Well, it doesn't matter. Maybe you could spare
something from the loads of gifts you are bound to get from family and
friends this Christmas. After all Christmas is all about sharing and
caring, isn't it?.
You may wonder why Santa cannot give the poor children some toys
himself without waiting for you to do so. Of course he can , because he
is loaded with gifts ,but he expects you to celebrate Christmas in its
true spirit. The gift you give a poor child from your load of presents
will definitely be a more valuable gift of love than what Santa gives.
Quick! If you had not thought about bringing some Christmas cheer to
a wee heart longing for something special this Christmas, it's still not
too late to do so.
You can always leave a note for Santa asking him to give one of your
toys from the list to the poor child. Or you can buy something special,
maybe even some new clothes or food and give it yourself , gift wrapped
in love and tied with a ribbon of peace.
Don't you think it will be a truly wonderful gesture this Christmas?
Do not expose your pets to danger
Once again the sound of fire crackers will be heard from all corners
of the land now that the festive season is on. It will reach its peak on
December 31 as people usher in the New
Year at 12 midnight. With all the
revelry taking place many of you will have little or no time to pay
attention to the safety of your beloved pets and they could be exposed
to danger. Not only by wandering away from home because the gates were
kept open accidentally , but also from all the fireworks, especially the
sky rockets that zoom in the sky and land in all the most unexpected
places. So, if you are a responsible pet owner make sure your pets are
safe and secure , away from any kind of danger when you are having a
whale of a time . Take precautions to protect them and avoid untold
misery at the loss of your beloved pets. If your pets are generally
indoor bound creatures who are not street smart like most strays, do
make it a point to either keep them locked up indoors when fire crackers
are being lit, or secure the gates properly so that they cannot run
away. Cats will definitely have to be locked up somewhere safe because
they could always jump over the walls and run away in fear when the
noise is too much .By the time you realize your pet or pets are missing
it may be too late.
Even if your pet dog/dogs are used to roaming the streets keep them
indoors especially on New Year's eve because people will be throwing
crackers everywhere and they could get injured .

There are some people who have fun at the expense of innocent
animals. To see a dog howling and running in fear or a cat dashing for
its dear life at seeing a sky rocket coming its way, would make them
roll in laughter .
If you happen to be enjoying yourself out on the streets lighting
crackers, please pay attention to the stray animals around you. Just
because they are out there without anyone to protect them do not put
them in harm's way by throwing fireworks at them or near them. They too
are living beings just like your own pets.
Our furry friends are generally scared of all the din made by these
firecrackers, so please ensure they are well protected. Sometimes the
thunderous noise ,especially if a cracker bursts near them could even
harm their hearing. They can get burnt too.
Animals are innocent creatures who depend on the superior humans to
protect them . Some do so but many others don't. They think animals are
dumb creatures with no feelings or emotions. Mistreating them is nothing
to them .
Don't you think it's better to keep all your beloved pets indoors,
especially during the festive season , with such 'inhuman' humans
lurking out there? Definitely!
Miru |