Navi Pillay steps out of line - Actg Foreign Secy
External Affairs Ministry Acting Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne last
week accused UN Commissioner for Human Rights Navaneetham Pillay of
overreaching her mandate and
transgressing basic norms which should be
observed by a discerning international civil servant, by bringing into
question the constitutional governance of a sovereign State. Seneviratne
was alluding to the statement delivered by Pillay at the OHCHR press
briefing on January 18.

Kshenuka Seneviratne |

Navaneetham Pillay |
Letter to Ms. Pillay :
Ms. Navineetham Pillay,
United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights,
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva
Dear High Commissioner,
The Government of Sri Lanka notes, with deep regret and concern, your
statement delivered at the OHCHR Press briefing on January 18, 2013
where reference has been made to Sri Lanka. At the outset, I wish to
reject categorically the contents of thisstatement, as it lacks any
semblance of objectivity, steeped as it is in bias, marred by erroneous
facts and further compounded by the inappropriate tenor of its language,
all of which are indicative of the unequal and invidious treatment of
Sri Lanka.
To me this is reminiscent of the action taken by Mr Hanny Megally
following the visit of the OHCHR team to Sri Lanka in September 2012,
when he deviated from the accepted practice, by de-briefing third
parties, even before briefing you, in your capacity as High
Commissioner, or the Permanent Representative of the country concerned.
It may also be recalled that when the latter pointed out the impropriety
of this unacceptable conduct of Mr. Megally at that juncture, you
accepted our Representative’s submission.
However, your action in resorting to unwarranted comments with a
series of innuendos on an issue which is entirely a domestic matter for
Sri Lanka, and that too without first engaging with our Permanent
Representative or the delegation of Sri Lanka in Geneva,demonstrates yet
again the deviation from established procedure, amounting to blatant
interference in an issue of a sovereign country.With regard to the
impeachment of the former Chief Justice, the Government of Sri Lanka as
a sovereign country has followed the due procedure that is set out in
the Constitution of our country. This procedure is indeed in conformity
with principles whichgovern disciplinary proceedings against judges
contained in the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary
endorsed by the UNGA in 1985.I wish to point out that it was following
the submission of the motion signed by 117 (out of 225) Members of
Parliament, that the Speaker constituted a Parliamentary Select
Committee to examine the issues involved in the allegations made against
the formerChief Justice. Subsequently, the Report of the Select
Committee was submitted and the matter was debated for two days in
Parliament, with the active engagement of Opposition political parties.
Thereafter, once the resolution to impeach the former Chief Justice
was passed in Parliament with a majority of 106 votes (155 voting for
and 49 against) the required address was made as our law requires to
H.E. the President. It was only thereafter that the former Chief Justice
was dismissed from office.
Following this constitutional act, the former Chief Justice withdrew
from her Chambers and official residence on her own accord. Your
contention regarding the removal of the formerChief Justice from her
Chambers and residence is, therefore, erroneous. It may also be noted
that Sri Lanka prides itself on a Parliamentary democratic tradition and
a judiciary of the highest standard.
Moreover, the Constitution of the country enshrines adequate
safeguards to ensure the independence of these vital arms of a
functioning democracy, which are upheld by the Government of Sri
Lanka.The content of your statement sadly demonstrates that neither you
nor your office has the understanding of the provisions of Sri Lanka’s
Constitution, and the related procedures for the removal of judges of
the superior courts. These provisions have been applied on several
occasions in the past. For your information I annex a copy of the speech
made by the Minister of External Affairs, Professor G.L. Peiris, on
January 10, 2013 in the Parliament of Sri Lanka which sets out the legal
framework withinwhich the impeachment process was carried out and
responds to opposing views on its legality.Your assertion that “Sri
Lanka has a long history of abuse of executive power” is offensive to
this nation, and is clearly beyond your mandate. In this regard, you
have transgressed the basic norms which should be observed by a
discerning internationalcivil servant, by bringing into question the
constitutional governance of a sovereign State.
With regard to your reference to the new Chief Justice Mohan Peiris,
you are undoubtedly aware that he has been a member of the Sri Lanka
delegation to the Human Rights Council sessions, originally in his
official capacity as the Attorney General of the country, to handle
legal issues required for our engagement in Geneva, which is not an
uncommon practice among States.
Subsequent to Mr. Peiris relinquishing the office of Attorney
General, based on his experience and expertise in the field, hewas
appointed Legal Adviser to the Cabinet of Ministers and therefore
continued to serve in the Sri Lanka delegations to Geneva. It was by
virtue of the offices he held at the time, which has direct relevance to
the issues at hand, that Mr. Peiris served on the Sri Lankan delegation
to the Human Rights Council Sessions.It is most unfortunate that you
have chosen to raise concerns about the independence and impartiality of
the new Chief Justice just as he commences his term in this high office.
In my view, this is reflective of the complete bias and negative
mindsetmanifested and nurtured by parties inimical to Sri Lanka and with
vested interests.By such an allegation, you have sought inexcusably to
undermine the Office of Chief Justice.
Further, this position articulated by you is a prejudgement on your
part, which has been a sustained practice adopted by you, in relation to
Sri Lanka.
Regrettably,this cavalier statement brings into question the
standards of impartiality and equality expected of the UN System.With
regard to the allegations of death threats and acts of intimidation
against lawyers, you may wish to note that any complaints received in
this regard by the law enforcement authorities are being and will be
The Government ofSri Lanka is fully committed to upholding the rule
of law and has been continuously taking steps to achieve this objective.
I wish to state that Sri Lanka has engaged with the UN System
consistently and transparently, and therefore expects reciprocity from
your office. No doubt you would appreciate that it is imperative to base
this engagement on the fundamental right ofStates to be treated equally.
A statement of this palpably biased nature could hurt the engagement
between Sri Lanka and the UN System.I look forward to our continued
engagement in keeping with the principles I have set out in this letter.
Yours sincerely,
Kshenuka Senev iratne,
Acting Secretary |