Tea Board targets $2.1 billion export revenue
The Sri Lanka Tea Board targets an export revenue
of $ 2.1 b and value-added tea exports to increase from 40 percent
to 60 percent under a medium-term plan, Sri Lanka Tea Board,
Chairperson Janaki Kuruppu told the Tea Strategy Forum organised by
MTI Consultancy, a global consultancy firm, on Wednesday.
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Insurance industry will play major role
The insurance industry is expected to play a
major role in the backdrop of a vibrant economy and the regulatory
changes to be introduced shortly will further fuel the industry's
growth momentum. “We see great opportunity in moving forward and
need to concentrate on changes in the social environment to upgrade
and introduce new products.
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'Easy credit for SMEs, the need of the hour'
Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) need credit
at lower rates, between 10 -12 percent. The prevailing rates of
16-18 percent are not affordable, said the president of the Sri
Lanka Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (SLCSMI), Aloy
Jayawardena at a conference in Colombo to record Industrial
Excellence Awards 2013 and record the 50th anniversary of the
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'Sri Lanka must raise investment volume'
Sri Lanka is poised to leap forward and it is a
time for us to be ready to benefit from the recovery in Europe and
the US when it finally does come. “In fact, as Brazil’s President
Lula Da Silva said in 2007, when his country was enjoying a boom, it
is the 'momento magico'.
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Sri Lanka Insurance partners Abimansalas
Sri Lanka Insurance (SLI) officials said that
they are proud to be a part of one of the most noble projects in the
country today - building Abimanslas, a series of care homes for
disabled war heroes. The first Abimansala was built on the banks of
the Nuwara Wewa tank in Anuradhapura as a wellness resort for
dependent war heroes and is now home to 52 dependent war heroes.
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Travellers’ Choice 2013: Eden Resort among top Sri Lankan hotels
TripAdvisor has placed LOLC Leisure’s Eden
Resort and Spa as one of the top hotels in Sri Lanka. This is the
first time that Eden has been given this status by one of the
world’s largest travel websites. On an official posting on their
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