Positive attitude can add years to life
By Lionel Wijesiri
Attitude is a little
thing that makes a big difference
– Winston Churchill
It has been said that opportunity knocks once in a while at
everyone’s front door and if we instantly respond and take right action,
it leads to success. Life experiences have proved that this axiom is
perfectly right.
However, the important point is this: It is only the right attitude
which will bring forth the right actions. The great motivational speaker
Zig Ziglar once said: “It is your attitude, not your aptitude that
determines your path of life. Staying positive all the time will help
you succeed in life, in business and in whatever endeavour you will have
in your daily life”.
Meditation or prayer
will help develop positive attitudes towards life |
Voltaire expressed it beautifully when he said, “Life is like a
shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” An ancient
Persian saying puts a great perspective on our daily aches and pains in
life, “I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I
met a man who had no feet.” Some of us may curse some bad days we
encounter and wish they never came.
Cavett Robert offers these poignant words: “Every day may not be
good, but there’s something good in every day.” It’s our job to find it!
That’s the wonderful point - we can choose our attitudes. We’re in
complete control of it.
Charles Swindoll, an American author said, “The remarkable thing is
we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for
that day. We cannot change our past … we cannot change the fact that
people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The
only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our
attitude. … I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me
and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you … we are in
charge of our attitudes.”
British playwright Tom Stoppard, who was knighted in 1997, said, “A
healthy attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others.
Be a carrier”. And attitude at life is critical. So, ask yourself “Am I
a ‘glass half full’ or a ‘glass half empty’ type of person? Am I the one
who sees a problem in every difficult situation or an opportunity? Am I
an Eeyore or a Tigger?
That last reference is to a couple of characters from the classic
children’s series Winnie the Pooh. Eeyore is the gloomy donkey who is
always quite pessimistic and can find the negative in any situation.
Tigger is the exact opposite. He’s described this way: “He is cheerful,
outgoing, competitive in a friendly way, and has complete confidence in
Personally I’d much rather be around a Tigger than an Eeyore.
Tigger’s passion and energy are contagious.
Attitude will make a big difference in the outcomes you achieve.
Great leaders recognise the importance of attitude in success. Thomas
Jefferson did. He said, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental
attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with
the wrong mental attitude.”
In our world today, information changes rapidly and is always growing
in quantity; science and technology advance; transportation becomes
increasingly convenient. As we take in the rapidly changing outside
world, these things look very good for people and for life. But this
also can make problems. Our minds are in crisis - becoming cluttered
with too much information, too many things to do.
Each person becomes like a machine: The mind is always busy working,
running, always in action. If we are too busy with outside things, the
heart and spirit are occupied and cannot exchange very well. Each person
gradually becomes like an empty shell. When this exchange becomes
impeded, our bodies, inner mind and emotions develop problems. Talking
about emotional problems, my mind moves into the Chinese philosophy of
“Qigong”. I believe it is quite relevant to our topic of discussion.
Another contributor that can lead to
positive attitude is the happy family |
Qigong is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for
exercise, healing and meditation. With roots in Chinese medicine,
martial arts and philosophy, Qigong is traditionally viewed as a
practice to cultivate and balance qi or what has been translated as
“intrinsic life energy”.
Typically a Qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated
with slow stylised repetition of fluid movement, a calm mindful state
and visualisation of guiding qi through the body. Qigong is now
practised throughout China and worldwide, and is considered by some to
be exercise, and by others to be a type of alternative medicine or
meditative practice.
From a philosophical perspective, Qigong is believed to help develop
human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken
one’s “true nature”.
If we further explain what Qigong is, Qi is the essence of life.
Through the practice of genuine Qigong, it is good for both physical and
emotional health. It stimulates the qi to flow, improving the qi
exchange between the individual and nature. When qi flows smoothly, it
generates more energy in the body. Blood circulation becomes better.
When the blood flows smoothly, there is less stagnation, and the body
becomes healthier.
Emotions can affect the quality of qi in the body; either murky or
pure. An emotional problem often is more difficult to cure than a purely
physical one. When the qi in our body and nature do not exchange well,
our heart, mind, body and soul cannot integrate. The immune system
becomes weaker. Then a health crisis can appear.
Chinese believe that Qigong is good for emotional health because,
with the movements and understanding of the philosophy of the Qigong,
people understand the meaning of life better.
This can remove worries and stress from their minds and bodies.
Qigong changes your life to become a happy and healthy life. Why are
many people not happy in their hearts? According to Qigong philosophy,
in the inner heart, one’s attitude of life is very important.
If it is not right, the attitude of life should be adjusted. A
natural life is a colourful life.
In this life, many things may make you feel happy, and you appreciate
this very much. Also, many things may make you feel unhappy. Everything
together is a full life. So don’t think the negative aspects or sickness
is your enemy. Through the practice of Qigong, it can sharpen you.
Normal life has its ups and downs – including home, business and your
health. When things are good, don’t get too excited or arrogant. When
things are not good, don’t get too sad and feel down. Don’t forget that
many people still need your help, even when your life does not seem
positive now; and others will help you. Know that life will get better
again. Whatever happens, keep a positive attitude.
Through the practice of Qigong, keeping in mind the meaning of the
movements and the overall philosophy, your attitude can improve, and
then your emotional state will improve.
Balanced life
Finally, in this New Year, do you want to be a contented person and
lead a balanced life? Then you need to take an honest assessment of your
own attitude. Once again think about Eeyore for a minute. Who wants to
follow Eeyore anywhere? What kind of compelling case could he make for
getting people to buy into his vision? I can hear Eeyore trying to rally
the troops, saying, “I’m sure it’s not really going to work out, but I
don’t know what else to try, so we’re going to do this.
“I hope it’s not a complete disaster, but I certainly can’t make you
any promises because I’m sure it won’t work out.”
Be more like Tigger - cheerful, outgoing, competitive and completely
confident. Make sure your attitude allows you to succeed.
Final point! Suppose A stands for one percent, B represents two
percent and continues like this, we have ….X implies 24 percent, Y means
25 percent, and Z is 26 percent. See what happens. D-I-L-L-I-G-E-N-C-E =
80 percent, H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K = 98 percent, A-P-T-I-T-U-D-E = 96 percent,
A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E =100 percent. The message is clear, isn’t it?