NGO kingpins seek French blessings
NGO kingpins - Parking-Soothe and Sand-Amuna were seen whispering to
the French Lady at the Kangaroo Day celebrations on Thursday. The duo
exploited the event to woo the international community and 'lodged
complaints' on the new 48-hour detention order, taken purely to tame
Love-Slave tenders apology
Ra-Blue did it in style, in isolating Saa-Jeet, the Love-Slave, who
eventually tendered an unconditional apology. Ra-Blue summoned
Love-Slave to the Green 'high command' that had the leader's loyalists.
Fearing that he would never retain his position, Love-Slave cut a sorry
figure in apologising and agreed to fall in line with the party leader's
Black-cloaked men show true colours
Some of the black-cloaked seniors who earlier campaigned for
She-Ra-Knee were among the first to greet the new Judge that is Chief.
Many in the legal profession were nonplussed to see the double standards
adopted by these black-cloaked men who had now proved that they had
earlier supported She-Ra-Knee purely because of her post.
Wedding Sam in the doldrums
Wedding Sam got the shock of his life when Love Gamage was proposed
as the Greens' organiser that is national by Ra-Blue. "I never thought
the leader would treat me like that. Had it been anyone else, I wouldn't
have felt this bad," a dejected Sam, who was daydreaming for the post,
told a confidant later. |