Dear children
Today we carry a photograph of little Manodya Ranasinghe who was paid
for her honesty - not in terms of money but with a gift. (See story on
page 11). Honesty is a trait that should be inculcated in children from
the time they are small. Children, it is paramount that everyone of us
should be honest in every act and carry this out into the future.
Manodya is a good example for children to follow.
Aunty Merle
International: Wetlands day
February 3 was declared International Wetlands Day. The majority of
wetlands in Sri Lanka are facing various threats due to harmful human
activities such as
encroachment, habitat deterioration, degradation,
pollution, direct loss, exploitation of species, spread of invasive
alien species and destruction due to natural phenomena.
Working on the assumption that the protection and management of such
large and diverse habitats and ecosystems such as wetlands requires
active community participation, the main objectives of the SLWCS
Wetlands Conservation Project are to develop a new model for sustainable
conservation of wetlands with the following goals:
The protection of wetlands in Sri Lanka, the promotion of sustainable
use of wetlands, the strengthening of rural institutions and promoting
cooperative governance and community involvement in the conservation of
wetlands. is a priority. There is also a category known as 'Villu'
wetlands. These are quite large lakes which are floodplain lakes that
could be seen on river bends. These are prominent in the Mahaweli
floodplain in the East of the country.
Freshwater marshes also come under this category; they are shallow
depressions (sunken areas) that get fed by river floodwater or
groundwater seepage. The Muthurajawela Marsh is a classic example of
such a freshwater marsh.

Another type called 'freshwater swamp forests', which is in fact a
later stage of the freshwater marshes, are also found. In this stage,
certain trees adapt to thrive in the shallow stagnant water of the
marsh. The Walauwa-Watta Wathurana Swamp Forest, located in the Kalu
Ganga basin, is a good example of this type and it is said that
freshwater swamp forests are the rarest type of wetlands in the country.
There is also a category known as 'Villu' wetlands.
These are quite large lakes which are floodplain lakes that could be
seen on river bends. These are prominent in the Mahaweli floodplain in
the east of the country.
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