Taylor Swift, the shining pop star
Taylor Swift is known as one of the famous American singers and a
song writers. God gave the talented girl as a gift to the whole world on
December 13, 1989.

Taylor Swift is a precious gift to the music industry. She is known
to some as a great role model and inspiration at an young age and
pursuing her dreams.
Taylor Swift is popular among youngsters. It is mainly because of her
melodious voice. When I hear Taylor singing, I feel that I am in a world
of music because of her sweet magical voice. The fantastic rhythm that
she uses in her songs has increased the number of her fans.
She released her first song ‘Tom McGraw’ during summer. She spent
over eight months on the ‘Billboard Country’ single charts. Her songs
remained for a long-period under album No. 1 on “Billboard Top 200
In the past years her album “Fearless” has spent more time upon the
Billboard charts than any other album. She has also become one of the
highest selling country artistes.
Among her songs ‘Love Story’ is very famous among her fans.
She has million fans who love and care for her because of her
fantastic songs, “You Belong With Me” and “We’re never getting Back
Taylor Swift has won many awards for her music from GMT awards to
Grammy’s. Swift has won six Grammy awards, one MTV video music award,
six CMT awards, 10 American Music awards for her talents.
We can learn many things from Taylor Swift. She has achieved her
dreams when she was a child and now a talented 23-year-old singer.
She has overcome many obstacles. With her parents’ help and her true
dedication she has made a success of her career.
I hope that all her fans will remember Taylor Swift forever.
Praveenya de Silva,
Grade 11,
Good Shepherd Convent,
Let’s not skip breakfast
Early morning is the best time to start our day-to-day work properly.
We cannot forget our cup of milk in the morning. It gives us proteins,
minerals and vitamins.
Other than the cup of milk, breakfast is the most important meal for
children and elders as there are many benefits.Breakfast differs from
country to country. Thosai, idly, stringhoppers, rice and bread are
usually taken for breakfast. However, some children do not know the
importance of breakfast.
Students who skip their breakfast faint during the assembly.The most
important benefit of breakfast is that it gives us energy.
It helps the brain to function properly and maintain a healthy body.
So, let us not skip breakfast under any circumstances.
Naomi Thamasha,
Grade 8 – Olu,
Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya,
Colombo 7
A new day
Fresh cool breeze
Birds chirping

Morning sunlight
Shining dew drops
Calm and quiet
Trees in bloom
Swaying branches
Rustling of leaves
Whispering to the wind
Fresh minds
New feelings
Pleasant memories
Gather around
Dawn of another day
A new day ...
A.H.M. Shashikala Wijesinghe
Holy Family Convent
The best holiday I had
It was September 24, a Saturday and all our family members were at
home. We were very happy that the results of Grade 5 scholarship
examination were released.
My younger brother got 185 marks and became
the 7th in the Kegalle district.
It was happy news for all of us. This was the best holiday I had.We
decided to see the film Daruwane. It was an interesting film. There were
two characters, Diluka and Rakshitha.
The story in the film was about a poor boy who was very clever and
studious. It showed how Rakshitha became an adorable child at his
He had many enemies. His main enemy was Diluka. At the end of the
film Diluka became a very good boy and the best friend of Rakshitha.
Rakshitha’s mother and father always used to quarrell. This made the
children unhappy.
In the end they understood their bad behaviour and gave up
All these events moved me emotionally. We really enjoyed the film. We
went to a hotel and had lunch. This made my brothers happy.
This was the best holiday I spent with my family.
D. K. Gavithri Dilesha Amarasinghe,
Grade 10-P,
Ke/ Dudley Senanayake Central College,
Caring for elders
Caring for elders means protecting them and seeing to their needs.
When we were small, our parents protected and took good care of us.
When we were ill they looked after us, giving medicine.
They stayed beside us and broke rest even without taking their meals.
There are many children who neglect their aged parents. They have
forgotten how they became adults.
Children are not robots that can function automatically. They need
the love and care of parents. Without the care of parents or elders,
children cannot grow up and become useful citizens. This is why we must
take care of our parents when they are old and feeble. When people grow
old they should not be kept away from society. There is so much to learn
from them.
We get valuable advice from them because they have long years of
experience in life. We can learn folk tales and ancient traditions from
elders. They are familiar with old customs, rituals and traditions. In
ancient times, even kings sought the advice of elders.
What can we do for our elders? We can provide food, medicine and
clothes for the elders who are in the homes for the aged. We can spend
more time with the elders in homes.
We must respect and obey them.When we do some good act for elders, we
will feel happy and they will be happy too. The elders become attached
to the younger generation if they are loved and respected.
Never send your parents to elders’ homes. It is not a good practice.
Protect them and care for them at home.
Hoshan Naduka Bandara,
Grade 7, Cambridge International School,
Kandy Esala Perahera

The Kandy Esala Perahera is a spectacular event. Most Sri Lankans
look forward to the Kandy Perahera. On perahera days, the hills of Kandy
are alive with the reverberating sounds of whipcrackers, Kandyan dancers
and drums beating in harmony with the music of the flutes while the
colourful procession parades the streets.
The historic Esala Perahera takes place in Sri Lanka’s hill capital,
Kandy. It is the most spectacular pageant held annually in the country.
It is also the oldest pageant in Asia. The Kandy Esala pageant is of
cultural and religious significance. It continues to mesmerise locals
and foreigners alike.
The sacred tooth relic is paraded on the streets in a procession. It
is carried by the caparisoned Maligawa tusker in a golden casket. In
addition, there are many caparisoned elephants swaying to and fro to the
beat of drums. These elephants have lights fitted on their garments
which cover their bodies and are a sparkling sight. They look like stars
in the sky. There are torch bearers twirling the torches above their
heads.Then there are the Ves dancers who are a sight to behold with
their well-practised steps.
I can say that no other perahera can be compared with the Kandy Esala
Perahera. I think this is a pageant that should not be missed by anyone.
Sumudu Kumarasinghe,
8F, Newstead Wood School,
United Kingdom. |