Seminal ideas of post-modernism
Of Grammatology is the
tool-kit for anyone who wants to empty the ‘presence’ out of any text he
has taken a dislike to. A handy arsenal of deconstructive tools are to
be found in its pages, and the technique, once learnt, is as simple, and
as destructive, as leaving a bomb in a brown paper bag outside (or
inside) a pub.”
—Roger Poole, Notes and Queries
In this series of articles, we would examine one of the major texts
of post-modernism and perhaps, the most influential of all, Of
Grammatology by Jacques Derrida translated by Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak. Derrida wrote Of Grammatology in 1967. It is one of three books
and others are Speech and Phenomena (French: La voix et le phénomène)
and Writing and Difference (French: L’écriture et la différence).

Jacques Derrida |
Before looking at the text of Of Grammatology, it is pertinent to
observe how critics have received the text which is a cornerstone of
deconstructive criticism.
Writing a review of the publication ‘reading Derrida’s Of
Sean Gaston and Ian Maclachlan (eds.), Reading Derrida’s Of
Grammatology, Zeynep Direk, Galatasaray University observes ,
“Of Grammatology is one of the texts to which people turn to make
sense of “post-structuralism.” It was Derrida’s doctorat d’état, and
appears in 1967 as nothing less than a breakthrough into a discursive
field dominated by structuralism.
As the early essay “Structure, Sign, and Play” makes clear,
structuralism presupposes the totality of the sense of the system it
studies and conceives it as structured by laws. In the structure as
structuralism ‘fantasises’ about it there is a centre that remains
constant despite the permutation or the substitution of elements.
Challenging the structuralist thesis, Derrida not only proposed a new
conception of structure as de-centered, but also a new way of conceiving
that which remains the same in the structure. Sameness no longer meant
the identity of structural laws, but reiteration of writing, repetition
productive of difference.
What is the question to which Of Grammatology would be the answer? I
take this question to be something like: “How should the history of
sense be studied in the epoch, in which metaphysics comes to closure?”
Derrida uses the Heideggerian language of metaphysical closure and
declares a new epoch. In this epoch the task is to read off, from the
history of sense, the play of writing in virtue of which the complex
relations of belonging to and breaking up with the history of Western
metaphysics could be made manifest. Derrida claims that a tradition
could only be disturbed and transformed in its constitutive hierarchies,
if one manages to inhabit it in a certain way, i.e., the deconstructive
Following an enigmatic Exergue that determines the very place of Of
Grammatology in the history of sense, Derrida takes up examples to show
how Jean Jacques Rousseau, Claude Levi-Strauss, and Ferdinand de
Saussure belong to the tradition they put in question, by making
discursive gestures that belong to the logocentric and phonocentric
metaphysics of presence. The difficult ‘Exergue’ is the place for an
enigmatic relation to Heidegger: Without him, it would have been
impossible to speak of the unity of metaphysics, and the possibility of
the beginning of a new epoch. Even though he outlined the closure of
metaphysics, according to Derrida, he still belongs to metaphysics
because of the logocentrism at work in his thinking. Heidegger could not
see the new epoch that is dawning upon us, i.e., the epoch of writing.
As is well known, Of Grammatology claims that in the history of
metaphysics writing is read as threat, dead, exterior and fallen. He
argues that the privilege given through logocentric and phonocentric
assumptions has always been undermined, haunted, supplemented by “the
signifier of the signifier.” He used the expression “the signifier of
the signifier” as another name for that iterable origin, a matrix of
play that precedes presence and absence of the signified world of things
and of concepts, meanings as of the sensible and the intelligible
At times Derrida speaks of the “appearance” of this play. Différance
can be taken as hinting at the equiprimordiality of the concealment and
the unconcealment of this play. Derrida often speaks of play as apparent
because the play is that of a non-dialectizable “radical materiality” or
historicity; and yet its movement could be taken as negligible or
dispensable by the history of metaphysics in the face of what it
produces, i.e., sense. The play of writing is the movement of this
radical materiality that is the condition of both the possibility and
the impossibility of all infinitisation. That is Derrida’s way of
inscribing finitude or death, at the origin of temporality, in terms of
which the Heideggerian meaning of Being is articulated. What are the
hermeneutical implications of this thesis? Derrida suggests that reading
should free itself from the classical categories of history, “and
perhaps above all, from the categories of the history of philosophy” (Of
What is obvious is the myriad of voice present in Of Grammatology and
Derrida’s profound philosophy of deconstruction. Citing one of the
contributors to the publication, Zeynep Direk states, “As Royle rightly
notes, Of Grammatology is polyphonous; it has multiple voices: On the
one hand, it is dry and formal. It is a thesis written for the French
Academia, dominated on occasion by an authoritarian I and the most
inclusive we. Avowedly, it respects classical norms, the constitutive
protocols of what it studies. Thus it requires from the reader the most
normative attentiveness and traditional respect for grammar, syntax,
argument and demonstration. On the other hand, it involves a notoriously
delirious tone and calls our attention to that which is “bizarre” as it
goes on between the lines, in hidden spaces. This polyphony of rational
order and delirium is perhaps the underlying reason why we have found
Derrida’s philosophy so attractive.
Practising the science of writing, doing the grammatology of Of
Grammatology could have been about pointing to the oddities of Derrida’s
own text.”