Fairy tales:
Jack and the bean-stalk
ONCE upon a time there lived a poor widow who had an only son named
Jack. She was very poor, for times had been hard, and Jack was too young
to work. Almost all the furniture of the little cottage had been sold to
buy bread, until at last there was nothing left worth selling. Only the
good cow, Milky White, remained, and she gave milk every morning, which
they took to market and sold. But one sad day Milky White gave no milk,
and then things looked bad indeed. “We must sell Milky White. Trust me
to make a good bargain, “and away he went to the market. For some time
he went along very sadly,-but after a little recovered his spirits.

“I may as well ride as walk,” said he; so instead of leading the cow
by the halter, he jumped on her back, and so he went whistling along
until he met a butcher. “Good morning,” said the butcher. “Good morning,
Sir,” answered Jack. “Where are you going ?” said the butcher. “I am
going to market to sell the cow.”
“It's lucky I met you,” said the butcher. “You may save yourself the
trouble of going so far.” With this, he put his hand in his pocket, and
pulled out five curious-looking beans. “What do you call these ?” he
“Beans,” said Jack. “Yes,” said he, “beans, but they're the most
wonderful beans that ever were known. If you plant them overnight, by
the next morning they'll grow up and reach the sky. But to save you the
trouble of going all the way to market, I don't mind exchanging them for
that cow of yours.”
“Done!” cried Jack, who was so delighted with the bargain that he ran
all the way home to tell his mother how lucky he had been.
But oh! how disappointed the poor widow was.
“Off to bed with you!” she cried; and she was so angry that she threw
the beans out of the window into the garden. So poor Jack went to bed
without any supper, and cried himself to sleep. When he woke up the next
morning, the room was almost dark; and Jack jumped out of bed and ran to
the window to see what was the matter. The sun was shining brightly
outside, but from the ground right up beside his window there was
growing a great beanstalk, which stretched up and up as far as he could
see, into the sky.
“Good morning, ma'am,” said Jack, politely.
“Good morning, Jack,” said she; and Jack was more surprised than
ever, for he could not imagine how she had learned his name. But he soon
found that she knew a great deal more about him than his name.
As he drew near to the castle, he saw the giant's wife standing at
the door. “If you please, ma'am,” said he, “would you kindly give me
some breakfast? I have had nothing to eat since yesterday.”
So in Jack went, and the giant's wife gave him a good breakfast, but
before he had half finished it there came a terrible knock at the front
door, which seemed to shake even the thick walls of the castle. “Dearie
me, that is my husband!” said the giantess, in a terrible fright; “we
must hide you somehow,” and she lifted Jack up and popped him into the
empty kettle. No sooner had the giant's wife opened the door than her
husband roared out:
“Fee, fi, fo, fum,
I smell the blood of an Englishman;
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread!”
“Nonsense!” said his wife; “you must be mistaken. It's the ox's hide
you smell.” So he sat down, and ate up the greater part of the ox. When
he had finished he said: “Wife, bring me my money-bags.” So his wife
brought him two full bags of gold, and the giant began to count his
money. But he was so sleepy that his head soon began to nod, and then he
began to snore, like the rumbling of thunder. Then Jack crept out,
snatched up the two bags, and though the giant's dog barked loudly,he
made his way down the beanstalk back to the cottage before the giant
Jack and his mother were now quite rich; but it occurred to him one
day that he would like to see how matters were going on at the giant's
castle. So while his mother was away at market, he climbed up, and up,
and up, and up, until he got to the top of the beanstalk again. The
giantess was standing at the door, just as before, but she did not know
Jack,who, of course, was more finely dressed than on his first visit.
“If you please, ma'am,” said he, “will you give me some breakfast?”
“Run away,” said she, “or my husband the giant will eat you up, bones
and all. The last boy who came here stole two bags of gold--off with
you!” But the giantess had a kind heart, and after a time she allowed
Jack to come into the kitchen, where she set before him enough breakfast
to last him a week. Scarcely had he begun to eat than there was a great
rumbling like an earthquake, and the giantess had only time to bundle
Jack into the oven when in came the giant. No sooner was he inside the
room than he roared:
“Fee, fi, fo, fum.
I smell the blood of an Englishman;
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread!”
But his wife told him he was mistaken, and after breakfasting off a
roasted bullock, just as if it were a lark, he called out: “Wife, bring
the little brown hen!” The giantess went out and brought in a little
brown hen, which she placed on the table.
“Lay!” said the giant; and the hen at once laid a golden egg. “Lay!”
said the giant a second time; and she laid another golden egg. “Lay!”
said the giant a third time; and she laid a third golden egg. “That will
do for to-day,” said he, and stretched himself out to go to sleep. As
soon as he began to snore, Jack crept out of the oven, went on tiptoe to
the table, and, snatching up the little brown hen, made a dash for the
Then the hen began to cackle, and the giant began to wake up; but
before he was quite awake, Jack had escaped from the castle,and,
climbing as fast as he could down the beanstalk, got safe home to his
mother's cottage.
The little brown hen laid so many golden eggs that Jack and his
mother had now more money than they could spend.
“Fee, fi, fo, fum.
I smell the blood of an Englishman;
Be he alive, or be he dead.
I'll grind his bones to make my bread!”
But the giantess was quite sure that she had seen no little boys that
morning; and after grumbling a great deal, the giant sat down to
breakfast. Even then he was not quite satisfied, for every now and again
he would say: .
“Fee, fi, fo, fum
I smell the blood of an Englishman;”
and once he got up and looked in the kettle. But, of course, Jack was in
the oven all the time!
When the giant had finished, he called out: “Wife, bring me the
golden harp!” So she brought in the golden harp, and placed it on the
table. “Sing!” said the giant; and the harp at once began to sing the
most beautiful songs that ever were heard.
It sang so sweetly that the giant soon fell fast asleep; and then
Jack crept quietly out of the oven, and going on tiptoe to the table,
seized hold of the golden harp. But the harp at once called out:
“Master! master!” and the giant woke up just in time to catch sight of
Jack running out of the kitchen-door. With a fearful roar, he seized his
oak-tree club, and dashed after Jack, who held the harp tight, and ran
faster than he had ever run before.
The giant, brandishing his club, and taking terribly long strides,
gained on Jack at every instant, and he would have been caught if the
giant had not slipped over a boulder. Before he could pick himself up,
Jack began to climb down the beanstalk, and when the giant arrived at
the edge he was nearly half-way to the cottage.
The giant began to climb down too; but as soon as Jack saw him
coming, he called out: “Mother, bring me an axe!” and the widow hurried
out with a chopper. Jack had no sooner reached the ground than he cut
the bean-stalk right in two. Down came the giant with a terrible crash,
and that, you may be sure, was the end of him. What became of the
giantess and the castle nobody knows. But Jack and his mother grew very
rich, and lived happily ever after.
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