Angara Ganga Gala Basi at Lionel Wendt
A scene from the play. |
Ranjith Dharmakeerthi's Angara Ganga Gala Basi will have its maiden
show at the Lionel Wendt theatre on February 27 and 28 at 3.30 p.m. and
7 p.m. The cast includes Sampath Thennakoon, Rajitha Hewathanthrige,
Anuradha Mallawaarachchi, Seneviratne Rodrigo, Theruni Ashansa, Ama
Wijesekera, Thushari Chamila, Mihiri Priyangani Sapa, Pinsara
Samarasekera, Nishan Dewapriya, Sasitha Senanayake, Aruna Aththanayake,
Sujith Wijesinghe, Lakshani Madhuwanthi and Ashinsa Rodrigo.
Public lecture on cinema
A public lecture on Sri Lankan cinema titled 'More than a dream' will
be delivered by eminent film director and Director of Communications
Asoka Handagama at the Centre for Banking Studies auditorium, Rajagiriya
on February 28 at 5 p.m.
The talk will also touch on developing the cinema industry as part of
an overall development plan.
Salamba 2 at Lionel Wendt
Isuru Weerasinghe and Geethani Warnapura will present a dance and
ballet show entitled Salamba-2 today at the Lionel Wendt Theatre.
A variety of glamorous dance items and the children's ballet
Pinochchio will be presented by the students of the dancing school.
The dancing school's production Swetha Hansa was on entry for the
adult short ballet competition in the National Ballet Festival 2011.
was held on January 26, 2012 at the Janakala Kendraya. Swetha Hansa was
adjudged the Best Ballet of the Year, Best make-up, Best stage sets,
Best female ballet artist and merit award for lighting. Swetha Hansa was
a short ballet performed by 11 young artistes.
The significance of the ballet was that ten out of 11 performers were
students of international schools. Isuru Weerasinghe was the first
student artiste and an instructor at the Chitrasena School of Dance for
ten years. He won the award for the Best Ballet at the National Ballet
Festival held in honour of Guru Chitrasena, Father of Ballet in Sri
Geethani Warnapura has gained experience as a student artiste and an
instructor under the guidance of Visha de Silva. Both artistes have been
trained by Guru Piyasara Shilpadipathi.
S. Thomas' to present Kinnara 12
For the 12th consecutive year the Hewisi Band of S. Thomas' College,
Mount Lavinia has organised their annual musical extravaganza, 'Kinnara
12' on March 2. The concert has a reputation as a total student endeavor
and this is true for this year as well. This year the Hewisi Band
consists of 45 young Thomians led by Dhanishka Jayasekera.
'Kinnara 12' is expected to be a revolution because the Hewisi Band
will be trying to bestow an oriental essence on western instruments.The
Hewisi Band consists of thammatum, geta bera, yak bera, davul, flutes,
symbols, thalampota, cabasa, shakers, tambourines and bass drum.
Prominent schools with Hewisi bands in the vicinity such as Bishop's
College, Ladies College, Methodist College, St. Paul's Milagiriya,
Ananda Shastralaya, D.S. Senanayake College and Trinity College Kandy
are expected to make this concert a colourful one. As special items the
Junior Hewisi band of S. Thomas' College and the Old Boys of the College
will be featured at the event which will definitely draw the attention
of all. Damitha Dharmakeerti is the Master in charge for this year.
Suraj Peiris is the instructor of the Hewisi band and he is responsible
for both flutes and drums. The Concert will take place at the Chapel
Steps in the College premises on the March 2 from 7 p.m. The audience
will be able to experience a pleasant evening of talent and rhythm. |