Sunday Observer Online    


Sunday, 14 April 2013





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

UNHRC resolution – Govt maintains its stance

External Affairs Minister Prof.G.L.Peiris responding to a query by Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe in the House reaffirmed that the Government has not changed its stand or policies on the US sponsored resolution. There won’t be the slightest change in the position by the Government. The Opposition Leader was trying to impress that there was a shift in the Government’s policy on the US resolution. He demanded to know whether the Government had any intention of holding negotiations with the US on the progress of implementing the LLRC recommendations. Wickremesinghe also wanted to know where the ‘anticipated talks’ would be held, whether in Washington DC, Geneva or Colombo. He also queried whether the Government would consult all stakeholders and gue a time-frame within which the LLRC recommendations will be implemented.

Quoting a recent statement by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the US Jaliya Wickramasuriya the Opposition Leader attempted to prove that there had been a shift in the Government policy. He went to the extent of quoting from the text of the resolution as well. The Minister in his reply found fault with the Opposition Leader for attacking Government policies. When the Opposition Leader was speaking the special Indian parliamentary delegation was in the VIP gallery. They seemed to be very keen to observe the remarks by Prof. Peiris on the Opposition Leader’s statement. The Minister in his reply said that Sri Lanka did not accept the recent anti- Sri Lankan resolution sponsored by the US.

He said that he hopes the Opposition Leader would address this issue in a spirit of objectivity. These are not matters that should be in the thrust and parry of party politics. On the contrary, they are national issues which have a vital bearing on the well-being and the future of the nation, the minister said. He maintained the stance that the US resolution has taken cognisance of the so-called Darusman report which too had been rejected by Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has not changed its stand or policies vis-a-vis the US resolution.

This resolution is the most powerful catalyst for dissension, discord and even violence, he said. The Minister referring to a query by the Opposition Leader told him that no future talks would be held on the resolution and therefore, the question of venue does not arise. Neither does the Government wish to consult any stakeholders as there is no intention of holding talks. Referring to the process initiated by the Government to implement the LLRC recommendations he told the House that some recommendations have already been implemented. Others such as those relating to land which are incredibly complex and convoluted take more time to be completed.

Commenting on the consequences of the resolution, Prof. Peiris said that it has divided the Human Rights Council, the World community, this country and also some neighbouring countries as well. The resolution too has its impact on cricket and the cinema. When the country has embarked on a delicate process of reconciliation the resolution has certainly not been conducive to its forward march. Commenting on the sharp and exclusive focus directed on Sri Lanka, the Minister queried as to why in an increasingly troubled world where there are many crises which are crying out for attention, a country such as Sri Lanka which has restored peace after defeating 30 years of terrorism has been targeted?

A statement by TNA Parliamentary Group Leader R. Sampanthan on the safety and security of Muslims prompted UPFA MP A.H.M. Azwer and Deputy Minister Abdul Cader to respond in an aggressive manner. When Sampanthan began his speech, Government members interrupted him and expressed serious doubts on his sympathy towards the Muslim community. They alleged that Sampanthan’s statement had an ulterior motive. Sampanthan said when Muslims were harmed on the streets or attacked by mobs or have their mosques vandalised, they cannot remain as mere spectators. However, interrupting Sampanthan’s speech, Azwer said that while the Muslims who prayed at Kathankudi were massacred by LTTE terrorists, and the TNA leaders didn’t utter even a single word on such brutal LTTE atrocities.

Today Sampanthan is shedding crocodile tears over the Muslim community. It was the LTTE which drove away thousands of Muslims from Jaffna, he said. When bhikkhus were mercilessly massacred at Aranthalawa, the TNA leaders remained silent showing their utmost hypocrisy. He asked the TNA to leave Muslim’s community alone as they could amicably resolve their problems if any with their Sinhala and Tamil brethren. Amidst various canards spread and pressure exerted by Tamil Nadu politicians, the visit by the Indian politicians to Sri Lanka is the most welcome move, Azwer said. It is also a terrible blow to Tamil Nadu, he said.

Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne responding to Sampanthan’s speech said that politicians should avoid hate speech and utterances that would lead to communal disharmony. MP Sampanthan’s statement amounts to an attempt to create clashes between the communities. None in Sri Lanka is engaged in any racist campaign except for a few. Only a very small section of the society had resolved to acts of violence. There are others who crave for publicity. He told the House that no religious leader in the country had ever acted in a manner to create communal disharmony.Citing Palestine as an example, the Premier recalled how President Mahinda Rajapaksa had spoken of the problems pertaining to the world’s Muslim community. He said several Muslim countries voted in favour of Sri Lanka at the recent UNHRC meeting due to the faith reposed in the Government. He said it is absurd to the TNA to speak about the Muslims grievances as they had turned a blind eye when Muslims were brutally massacred by LTTE terrorists.

Chief Government Whip and Water Supply and Drainage Minister Dinesh Guanwardene responding to a supplementary question by DNA MP Sunil Handunnetti told the House in lighter vein that parties such as JVP had been submerged by the Rata Nagana Nil Rella launched by the Government. Not only the JVP, the cart wheel and Panchauda too have been caught in the surge of Nil Rella, Handunetti said.


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