The secret of being liked and popular
Decades ago, when Gamini Fonseka was the most
popular cinema star in Sri Lanka, a young boy asked him “What’s the
secret of being popular? How do you get people to like you?” Being
an extraordinarily modest person, Gamini just smiled and responded:
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Facing life’s battles stoically
If you read any newspaper, your eyes will not
miss deaths of men, women and children of different age groups. Most
of them do not die natural deaths. In most cases, they die at the
hands of criminals, reckless drivers, contract killers, distraught
lovers and frustrated husbands.
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Thorns on the Side
A new frontier in aviation
Even a decade ago, most people simply had no
idea what a drone was. Now, there is hardly anyone who does not
know. In just a few years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly
called drones, have literally gone a great distance.
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