Slaughter house demolished
M.I.M. Azhar, Maligaikadu Gr. Cor.
The slaughter house at Karaivahupattu in the Kalmunai Municipal
Council area was demolished following efforts by the Ashraff Memorial
Hospital authorities which is located some 150 metres away. No proper
building has been provided for the butchers, and cattle is slaughtered
in the open area in the same place and the offal and other waste are
lying around.
A foul smell emanates from the decaying waste and pervades the area
to an extent of upto 300 metres.
Stray dogs and crows take away the discarded parts of the slaughtered
cattle to the nearby living areas.
People of this area are irked that no proper action has been taken to
provide a proper place for a slaughter house and bring the inconvenience
to and end.