Stressful jobs could leave women unlucky in love
25 May Daily Telegraph
Researchers found that women who have higher levels of cortisol are
rated as having less attractive faces by men than their more relaxed
counterparts.It could be bad news for those who hold stressful positions
and are looking to find love.
The affect is thought to occur because faces carry strong signals
about a person’s health and fertility. Those who have high stress levels
are generally less healthy.However, the researchers did find that the
strength of a woman’s immune system did not affect her attractiveness to
the opposite sex.
Previous studies in men have shown they are deemed to be more
attractive if they have low stress levels and have strong immune
systems.Dr Markus Rantala, a biologist at the University of Turku, in
Finland, who led the study, said: “Perhaps, then, low levels of cortisol
signal health in female faces.
“This would be consistent with many studies in humans that have found
that stress has strong negative effect on health, including immune
function, heart disease and susceptibility to cancer“An alternative
explanation is that facial attractiveness signals reproductive
potential, which is mediated partly by stress hormones.
”The scientists, whose research has been published the Royal Society
journal Biology Letters, vaccinated 52 young Latvian women with an
average age of 20 years old against the virus hepatitis B.