The Buddhist perspective:
Towards a contented life
The mind is notoriously resistant to being quiet,
so as soon as you sit still, it seems to do everything it can to
distract you. Habitual thinking kicks in, and within a few minutes,
an internal dialogue takes over, the body starts to fidget and
trivial things that need to be done suddenly appear vitally
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The cornerstones of style
The word ‘style’ is quite popular as far as
clothes are concerned. Each person has a particular style of
dressing himself. Women are more conscious of style than men. They
try out different styles of clothing to remain attractive.
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Thorns on the side
The face of human evolution
What will we, Homo sapiens, look like in 100,000
years, if we don’t destroy ourselves before then? That is so far,
far into the future that it is difficult to answer straight away. If
evolution is allowed to take its normal course, we will look
different than we do now, though it may not be much of a difference.
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