Lanka now a potential regional maritime hub
The Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) is
transforming Sri Lanka into a potential maritime and logistics hub
in the region. Enhancing infrastructure investments in emerging
economies would have a positive spin-off to rebalance global demand.
It would result in positive investment with tangible growth,
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Processed food exports top $ 73 m
“In 2012, 26% of total food and beverages
exports were processed foods, at $ 73.4 million. Our overall
processed food exports which stood at $ 67.1 million in 2010 rose to
a strong $ 95 million in 2011,” said Minister of Industry and
Commerce, Rishad Bathiudeen,
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World Bank report:
Climate change may impact economic development
The rising possibility of a warmer world in the
next two decades is magnifying the development challenges South East
Asia is already struggling with, and threatens to reverse hard-won
development gains, according to a new scientific report released by
the World Bank Group.
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Economy grew by 6 percent in Q1, 2013
The Sri Lankan economy grew by 6 percent in the
first quarter of the year according to national accounts data
released by the Department of Census and Statistics last week. The
GDP growth rate in the corresponding period of the previous year was
eight percent and a slow down can be seen in all three sectors but
is significant in the agriculture sector.
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Discounts for BoC card holders
Bank of Ceylon (BoC) is offering discounts for
its debit and credit card holders up to the end of this year. Under
this program discounts up to 50% are offered at selected hotels and
restaurants. Hotel Ranna, Tangalle, Platinum Resorts, Marawila and
Citrus, Hikkaduwa offer discounts up to 50%.
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