ICT could help empower migrant workers
Multiple initiatives to empower the migrant worker community
economically is vital, said Project Director, Hatton National Bank,
Chandula Abeywickrema at the Global Forum on Remittances 2013, in

Chandula Abeywickrema |
He said migrant worker remittances have a major impact on the global
economy and added that 1.5 trillion workers from developing countries
will move across for work within the next five years. It is vital that
all stakeholders, including government regulators, banks and financial
institutions create a more efficient and affordable framework taking
advantage of the emerging Information Communication Technology (ICT) to
empower the near 400 million migrant worker community across the world,
who are mainly from the rural areas of the developing world.
He said that multiple stakeholders are working to economically enrich
and empower the migrant workers and their dependents to come out of
their cycle of poverty with sustainable economic and livelihood
development opportunities by creating a platform of opportunities for
migrant workers and their dependents to become micro and small level
Towards this, a greater collaboration between the public and the
private sector, particularly banks and the financial institutions is
necessary. They should develop infrastructure and capacity to make
financial services available, accessible and affordable to the migrant
worker community and create the linkages and partnerships with the
corporate sector for value chain opportunities. |