Leaves are the plants' food factory
A leaf is a flat, thin plant organ that uses the sun to make its own
food. In general leaves are green and use the chemical called
chlorophyll to trap energy from the sun. This process is known as

The energy is used to combine water from the soil and carbon dioxide
gas from the air to make sugar.
Oxygen is released during this process called respiration. The leaf
acts almost like a solar panel for attracting energy from the sun.
Leaves are prominent in the human diet as leafy vegetables such as
lettuce. You may not realise it but we eat some form of leaf almost
every day.
Different types of leaves
Most leaves are flat to increase the absorption from the sun although
this is not always the case. The main flat area is called the blade or
lamina. Not all leaves are flat but most are. A simple leaf has an
undivided blade. A compound leaf has a fully subdivided blade which is
separated by a main or secondary vein.
What is a plant?

A living thing that usually can produce its own food, reproduce, and
is rarely able to move by itself. Many (although not all) plants are
green and are part of our ecosystem. A plant is what the leaf is
attached to.
The parts of a plant
The plant is made up of three parts.The leaves are basically a food
making machine.
The stems are the plant's support system. Stems hold up leaves to the
light and keep fruits and flowers attached.
They grow straight up, trail along the ground, climb fences and trees
or stay underground.
The roots are the plants' anchor and hold the plant firmly to the
ground. Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. They also store
minerals. |